4 years ago
It’s been a heck of a Father’s Day so far, let me tell you.
4 years ago
The 3 month old, who slept great the couple of nights before last, didn’t stay down until almost midnight last night and then woke us up at 3, 4, 5, and 6 in the morning.
4 years ago
Then the 3 year old has been her usual active self and insisted on always doing something that required my maximum involvement. Meanwhile, despite making great strides with potty training at daycare, I have had to change a Pull-up that got poo in it no less than five separate times, and it’s only nap time.
4 years ago
The one bright spot is that she managed to get herself changed out of her PJs and into a set of regular clothes, including changing her Pull-up and throwing away the one she had been wearing overnight, completely on her own. I was honestly floored that she turned out to be capable of that.