Funny story about this one, I didn’t play Civ IV until I got it as a bundle with the Warlords expansion, which has a different title screen. So I didn’t know this existed until I heard the Video Games Live version.
But it’s still excellent. We actually had this (or, we’ll, the VGL one) on our wedding playlist.
video game music in wedding music sets are A+
iirc our wedding playlist was most video game musics
We started by putting together a fairly standard “Google lists of common music used at weddings” playlist but then decided that that just wasn’t our style, so at basically the last minute I threw together a list from my music library.
Almost all of it was music without lyrics, as a stylistic choice, and that meant a pretty good amount of video game stuff.
I want to say there was at least one chocobo theme in there?
we had some normal music in there.. but for the most part it was video games hahah. hell, i walked to the xiv prelude, and the music after Bob and i were declared husband and wife, we had the xiv victory fanfare. we had a very nerdy wedding and it was more "us" than anything.
We had a bunch of fairly traditional elements for the actual ceremony, but I got in one little personal touch with the music there too - we had the Prince of Denmark march as the procession because the company I work at plays that when we sign a new customer, specifically with the notion of it representing wedding music.
Guess I’ll post to this thread too so there’s a consistent thread.
Day 2: Opening level music!
Prinny Can I Really Be the Hero? OST - 03 1st Impres...No special significance to this one other than it being catchy. I get to the tutorial level and just think dang, this soundtrack is gonna be good.
Then the rest of it is... mostly still good but not on the same level for the most part.
Just going to keep posting here.
Day 3: 8-bit musicMega Man 2 - Dr. Wily's CastleThat puts me at 2 for 3 on music I didn’t know about until much later. I have never, to this day, played a single Mega Man game, but I heard this when it got used in I Wanna Be the Guy.
The fact that it’s 8-bit music as a stylistic choice stuck with me. Also it’s just super catchy.
I’m tickled that megaman is practically everyone’s choice for day 3
I’ve barely played them but that soundtrack rules
Mario games have so much good music, but this evokes such an amazing sense of adventure.
Hardly my favorite music in this category, but this one has special significance to me. I have a vivid memory of playing this game as a kid, and at one point I found myself on the map view just going "huh, this music is kind of catchy" and stopping to listen to it.
It is, to the best of my recollection, the first time I realized that game music could be appreciated simply as music and not just as a part of the game it's in.
I don't think I really need to say anything about this one.
Day 7: Music from an indie game - This is the part where I realize that I just haven't played a lot of indie games, much less ones with memorably good music. Going with this one.
Field of Hopes and Dreams
This is my first deliberately strategic choice because I want to save what was actually my first choice for a later day. (And I had to redo this because I only just now noticed that the challenge was not to repeat any games and not just individual tracks.)
But I like this one for the bass-heavy beat it drops after the intro.
The thing I find interesting about the Deltarune soundtrack is that it's got that constantly recurring motif that happens to sound exactly like the quest complete jingle from Stormblood, which was released at about the same time. I sort of wonder if it was a coincidence or not.
I haven't actually played Ikaruga. My exposure to this one, just like day 3, was from I Wanna Be the Guy.
I contend that I am not cheating by putting in two tracks I heard in the same game because neither was originally from that game.
If anyone takes issue with that then here’s my runner up.
DuckTales Music (NES) - The Moon Theme But I didn’t want to mainline this one because it’s
yet another one I came to be aware of through IWBTG.
I would argue that the tarzan stuff from kh would work better, as the one thing I can recall getting a separate “who owns this” notice in the credits
That had occurred to me, but I’m just... not a huge fan of any of the Tarzan stuff in particular.
I’ll bet you all were expecting something from Final Fantasy, but this one stands out to me. Part of it is because the battle music from the first Dark Cloud was so mediocre, but either way, I’m always happy to have this come up on a rotation.
I know, Theme A from Tetris is the most clichéd response possible, but I legitimately really love what this version of the track does with it.
(Minor spoiler warnings for the next couple of posts.)
This one chokes me up because it fits the moment in the game perfectly with the slow buildup. The tragic backstory drop is one thing, but by the time it gets to the end and the music is all dramatic and hopeful, while the monsters are telling you "we're finally going to be free" when that's not what the protagonist has in mind at all...
Day 13: Music you like from a game you don't like: This one's tough. I haven't really played a lot of games I actively dislike; mostly I just decide that I don't really care for them that much, but then those games don't tend to stick in my memory.
I couldn't really bring myself to get into The Last Story. I think it was a combination of an awkward and complicated combat system and the narrative flow of the early game, where they start you in this huge city that looks like it's going to be this cool, sprawling hub area with lots to do...
...only to have almost everything blocked off from you, following which you're taken away from it entirely for way too long.
But the version of the game we got came with a mini soundtrack CD and I still have that loaded into my music library, so these come up from time to time.
Legend of Mana is still one of my favorite PS1 games and quite possibly my favorite game from the Mana series (even if the game's story is apparently now considered non-canon by SE.) A big part of it is the soundtrack. It's interesting to see how the style compares to KH's music since Yoko Shimomura did both.
Day 15: Boss Battle Music: Oh boy, I’ve been waiting for this one.
Final Fantasy XII - Boss BattleIt’s pure buildup all the way through from start to finish, and I could listen to the climactic bit with those deep bells all day.
And I just realized that by using this, I'm locking myself out of using "Kiss Me Goodbye" for the credits music day. But you know what, I regret nothing.
Catching up because I barely had a spare moment over the weekend.
There's a reason this is one of the most often remixed tracks out there.
Also, I'm now wondering a bit at the challenge's missed opportunity to have the 8-bit music be on day 8, but oh well.
There are a lot of things that could go on this one, but it would be a crying shame to not have Dragon Roost Island in this list somewhere and it works pretty well for this one.
Gerudo Valley would have worked pretty well here too, but I like Dragon Roost just a little bit better.
I mean, how could I possibly not?
Corridors of Time is one of my fave tracks! we chose a song from 12,000 b.c. for this challenge hah. best time in CT for all the music.
I was tempted to go with the Black Omen track too, and guess what?
ALSO 12,000 BC
Day 19: Cover of music by a different artist: This one's just unfair for how many things I want to post here. I'm probably going to wind up doing a whole runners-up thread. But I'm still going to post two here because I'm not sure whether remixes qualify as covers.
There are so, so many really good remixes out there, but I picked this one because it manages to actually tell a relatable story, with Link running off to the fairy fountain only to run into even more trouble afterwards.
The little flourish when the lost woods theme comes back in gives me the notion that the forest is reasserting itself, and really sells the whole thing.
Not a lot to say about this one other than, it's really well done and great to listen to.
I actually haven't played any of the Mario Karts since Double Dash (which I have fond memories of - I played MKDD with my college sophomore roommate all the time, and while I was just a little bit better than him overall, there were definitely some tracks he was better at.) But this is the Mario Kart track as far as I'm concerned.
Anyone who has played FFX knows exactly why I picked this.
Really fond memories of this one. I didn't actually own this game as a kid but I remember renting it at least once.
hubs got to see firsthand what that goddamn mini game did to me when i got the remaster and could chocobo race.
Theme A gets all the love, but I always liked this better when I was a kid playing this on Game Boy.
Theme B is good stuff, yes
it's good for competitions cause it's so upbeat and exciting
And I know there are two Tetris songs on my list, but the other one was Tetris 99 specifically because of its arrangement so I’m calling this legit.
Day 24: Music you have stuck in your head: I’m not sure there’s anything that qualifies as “constantly”, but here’s my latest earworm. Be warned.
Disgaea 4 Fuka's Theme - You Go Girl
I wouldn’t have expected “Flonne’s theme, but sung badly” to be so catchy, but it just... is. The accompaniment doing some classic Tenpei Sato action surely helps.
It’s my latest because I’m in the middle of a Disgaea 4 playthrough where I try to get through all the games using only Prinnies, to the extent possible. Sometimes I have to fudge things because of maps that you absolutely can’t get through without being able to throw, but I’ve cleared 1 and 3 so far up to all the postgame with the strictest rules I could.
(Skipped 2 because I couldn’t find my PSP copy, but I found that I’d bought the download version at some point.) I also fudged 3 a bit by allowing me to use a human character for the duplication trick, because it would be crazy to pass that up.
Possibly unpopular opinion, but it's really the first section that does it for me. The cheering fans bit is kind of eh (probably because they're singing out of tune - I get it, it's supposed to be a stadium crowd but still.)
infel You probably saw this coming.
I first heard of this from Smooth McGroove's cover (which is excellent by the way) after I got one of his albums. For a while I had a bit of this stuck in my head and couldn't place it at all until I happened to listen to it again.
i really do like her theme. a lot of the games have some really baller music, but Flandre's boss theme is great.
Zelda overworld is of course a classic, but I really like how Link's Awakening builds on it.
Welp, I had a busy couple of days there, so I guess we're finishing this out!
Day 28: Music that makes you nostalgic: This one is really tricky because my sense of nostalgia is kind of random. The same track can make me deeply miss the part of my life I was in when I first played the game when I hear it one time and do absolutely nothing the next.
One of my favorite tracks from the first N64 game I played. The N64 has a special place for me because it was the first console I was old enough to really catch the hype cycle around and saved up to buy myself (thanks in large part to a random theater gig).
Plus I was something like 11 at the time so there's some amount of "simpler time" nostalgia going on.
You all knew I was going to do something from FFXIV at some point and I have been saving this.
And if anyone tries to nitpick about Ultima Weapon not technically being the final boss I will fight you.
(No one calls that trippy one on one fight with Sephiroth, where the obviously correct play is to wait and counterattack him to death, the final boss. The fight that follows Ultima Weapon is about that easy.)
But the VI credits is one of my other favorites because I love the idea of just medleying together all of the character themes. Particularly since there are fourteen of them.
Ultima still has one of the boss themes that just gets me pumped. it's so cool