4 years ago
Animal Crossing has completely replaced my desire to log into SL
latest #7
4 years ago
I never got into the Sims, or played any other version of Animal Crossing, but in the months I've been playing New Leaf, I haven't felt any desire to log in. I make myself do it. It's really an eye opener about what I get from SL (or got). A bunch of AI and shopping from one store, plus decorating from found objects, is giving me the same satisfaction
4 years ago
Just me?
4 years ago
4 years ago
And you make them sing all the time?
Gogo ♔ says
4 years ago
nope, i love SL
4 years ago
I love SL too
4 years ago
I love SL too. I just don't feel the need to be there right now. I used to want to log in every day, but ACNH is filling that need. And I guess that's weird. I guess I should get out more
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