NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
( trigger warning: Talking about them riots if thats gonna stress you out and mental health stuff and being black in america ) So IDK how many of you are wondering if I am okay, but the answer to that, in short, is no. I am not.
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latest #47
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I am gonna try to keep this short since I am in a really really shitty spot mental health wise and I am legit on "burn bridges mode" and that's not a good place for me to reach out to people in
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I am not in any dangerous riots or anything like that, but because of where I am located in san jose (right next to city hall) the police flush rioters this way
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
SWAT has been patrolling the streets, there are houses near by which have gotten hit by gas canisters and needed to evacuate
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I have been hearing helicopters over my house since around saturday. nearly non stop
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
and then, since the curfew, it becomes silent at night.
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
My step father just came back from the hospital from some fairly serious health issues that hopefully are resolved? Unsure my mom still sounds shaken
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
one of my uncles lives right next to where the worst of the rioting was in Los Angeles.
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Literally across the street
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
and I am here. In my apartment. by myself
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Laid off and largely helpless
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I am not okay
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
and you know.... i'm honestly tired of hearing my white friends who live in houses and have their SOs with them and have jobs and cars and actual financial security and savings and HAVE A CAR tell me that they're stressed about this current situation
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I'm tired because right now I could actually use some dumb fuckign RP to distract me but lmao every one is too stressed given current events and I'm just like "well cool fuck me with a fucking lightsaber then"
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Again. I'm aware these are nasty HORRIBLE thoughts
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
But kinda everywhere I go right now I get to field white people telling me how stressed they are about the situation and largely self absorbed.
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
This country doesn't want me
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I've said this for years and people argue against it
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
but this was the same shit that happened when I was a toddler.
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
My mom and my dad sound so defeated
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
they're in their 60's-70's.
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
this is the exact same shit
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
they're heart broken and they wanted to leave this country a better place for their kids but nothing has changed
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
and it's only gotten worse
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Be better to your black friends
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
We are not okay
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
i am officially not employed so i have no insurance anylonger. I nearly didn't get my script for Ritalin because of some health insurance bullshit around stimulants
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
thankfully there are good people in the world who yeeted all this shit through the system and i got my meds
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
So i have that going for me
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
And if you are someone who feels personally attacked or insulted or whatever by this plurk.... i'm not sure what to say
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I'll let a fucking make up drama channel say it for me:
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
If you are white and in america. It's time to get uncomfortable. I have to largely live my life by tip toeing around peoples feelings
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
"Oh don't actually say something is racist because you may hurt someones feelings or upset them"
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
If this post makes you feel a certain type of way? I can't help you with that.
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
As I said, I know i'm in a bad spot mentally and I am being honest here because I hope some of my friends would want to know but
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Who the fuck knows
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Now that i've promptly blown up probably the last tatters of my RP career!!!!!!!!!
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I'm going to remain off of social media for at least the rest of today. My phone is off. I'm logged out of discord. I'm going to play animal crossing and probably buy a fucking villager off ebay after I force an ugly duck out of my village because I need
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
One seratonin
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Oh and i did want to acknowledge. there have been people who have reached out to me with out an agenda to emotionally dump on me or to tell me how horrible this is for them and how bad they feel. they've reached out with the intention of asking me how they can help
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I appreciate those people so much because I do feel very very very alone and isolated and invisible in all of this. and those people and those messages have really helped me remember the good and light in this world
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
so thanks to those people <3
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
ah here is someone more articulate than me spitting truths out here: I ain't doing this. | Ti Talks
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