here's the first of the hanami sneak peeks, like 84 years later. everything should be shipped by Tuesday. thanks again for bearing with my while I mourned for my cat and dealt with stupid bank problems. you're all amazing and I appreciate you all so much!
You are amazing. Life happens. Pet losses are very hard
;A; I'm just really glad you guys know that even if things get delayed, you'll still get your pledges. and if it ever becomes clear I won't be able to fulfill a theme I will refund your pledges or suspend the next one until everyone gets what they pledged for.
I really appreciate your trust, and I hope anyone with any concerns or questions knows they can come to me any time and I'm happy to give any additional details
4 years ago
Life is incredibly hard without everything you're also going through. I appreciate your transparency
4 years ago
Those look amazing and it's completely okay.