Can I ask a question that's gonna come out weird until I explain what I mean?
latest #17
What did the Jews ever do to anybody?
Like, consistently across history, they've been persecuted and oppressed and generally treated like shit.
But why? I maybe get in ancient times when the idea of one god was absurd and they were ~different~
But like why have they been targeted in a world where that's the norm now?
4 years ago
this is going to also sound weird but
4 years ago
cracks knuckles
4 years ago
that is a multifacted answer that it requires
4 years ago
are you asking specifically in america...?
I mean worldwide. Why were they chosen to be slaves in Egypt? Why did Hitler use them as a scapegoat?
4 years ago
wasn't hitler demonizing them as peoples that were to blame for the fall of the german economy?
But I mean why specifically Jewish people?
4 years ago
idk about the slaves in egypt bit (didn't cover egyptology in my classes) but the perceived success of jewish peoples while "the rest of germany" suffered from an economic downturn might be why
4 years ago
i know they were blamed for that (hating on savvy business folk) and for the fact that germany lost and TERRIBLY during WWI
4 years ago
oh internet, you sweet siren:
4 years ago
i stand corrected
Internet knows everything
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