NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Okay so I'm probs gonna be a little bit more ghostly until Thursday ish because A) I get to pick up my stuff from work tomorrow morning and then I have my last appt w my psych tomorrow afternoon
latest #187
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I'm doing my best to just sHAKE OFF the lingering bitterness that I had been telling her
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Since last... August that "I don't think anti depressants are working"
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
"Oh lets try another immediate dose of wellbutrin that you take when ur feeling extra bad"
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
"It's not working"
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
"OH well you're stressed out why don't you just keep doing wellbutrin"
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
"It's not working. It's been a year and I have met zero of the goals i want to meet when I started treating my ADHD."
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
a specific example being: I want to be able to clean my room. at all. Period
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
"You'll need to go to therapy to accomplish those goals. Or maybe have drastic job change"
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
"We could try sticking you on an SSRI to deal with your anxiety! (ALONG WITH THE WELLBUTRIN I'M ALREADY TAKING)"
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I was about to straight up switch doctors when she said that and then corona happened
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
and i'm sort of just like
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I KNOW I couldn't have stopped this from happening but woweee it feels like I could have been a more integral part to my team if I had had my ADHD under control. Especially with a huge project which spiraled into a fucking DUMPSTER FIRE because of so many fucking attributes that were put on my shoulders even if it waSNt ThE cASE
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I am honestly half expecting this to go "Well I don't want to stick you on stimulants because now that you're let go you should use this as a chance to really examine why you behave the way you do" ORS OEM shiT
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
and for the people who are (and aren't) following along. She literally did look me in the face when I said that I was having trouble meeting any of the long term goals I was setting for myself-- AND GAVE THE EXAMPLES OF CLeaning my room or paying my bills on time- AND SAID I WOULD NEED TO GO TO THERAPY
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I think she misunderstood me as saying I wasn't feeling "fulfilled" when it really is like
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
"Bruh my room looks like a nuclear bomb hit it and I cannot keep it clean"
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Which yes. it can require therapy in some cases. Hoarding is a big thing that needs to be dealt with in therapy
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
But this isn't a psychological dependence on having these things or a fear of throwing anything out
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
This isn't some delusion about keeping an object because throwing it away means throwing away a person or a memory
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I've dealt with those thoughts. I CAn CONTINUE TO DEAL WITH THOSE THOUGHTS
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
THis is, it literally takes all my energy to clean one small portion of my room in one day and then I become a vegetable and then I decide "oh i can do another part next week" but then it's two months later and the mess IS BACK
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Or simply paying bills on time. shouldn't be hard
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
if a bill comes in
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
If I don't pay it that very instant I see it
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I'll forget it
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
"why not pay it the instant you see it"
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Sometimes I can't get to my computer, sometimes i am waiting for money to come in from something, sometimes I'm falling asleep/about to take a shower/about to DO soMEthing
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
and I forget it
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
there is no amount of therapy that can deal with that properly
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Rather. there is no amount of therapy that can help when the very chemical process of my executive functioning is HIJACKED
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Just like how I would make so much progress in therapy in dealing with anxious or depressed thoughts but I would get knocked back again and again and again
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
And maybe it wasn't as bad but I was still treading mud because if you have been depressed since you were 10 years old
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
and you're currently 25-26
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
You cannot understand what not being depressed is
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
You cannot, your brain has tread that self hate track so long that it is the one it keeps returning to over and over and it's just like breathing
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I still struggle with "Don't hate yourself!!" because lord have mercy what does that even MEAN some days
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
When I went on antidepressants for the second time after a complete meltdown so bad that I had an out of body experience
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
But there was one day when I woke up and realized I didn't have that underlying constant negative dialogue in my head
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Literal "stupid piece of shit" episode from bojack. It was gone
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
THAT was the moment therapy was much more effective
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Right now, I don't even know what it's like to be able to concentrate on one thing or stick to a schedule or not need to have ayoutube video going on in the background as I draw, browse reddit, play animal cross, sew, WHATEVER
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I cannot comprehend my budget because I cannot keep shit in my brain
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I will write schedules. I'll make calendars, I'll do all of that
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
But it all falls apart the FIRST time I trip up
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
And I am not trying to be a self defeatist asshole this is just facts
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I have to actively avoid trying to put that shit on myself right now because you know what drums up anxiety and self hate????
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Failing. Again. At trying to keep consistent and be 'neurotypical'
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
All of this to say
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I'm massively frustrated that it's going to take this fucking effort to tell my doctor to shut up and listen to me
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
and I am also massively frustrated that a chunk of me is like
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
"Shes not going to take me seriously and i am never going to be able to do anything with my life"
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
That's why I'm not on plurk
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
i just wanted to get my goddamn ADHD treated and this has taken four years of my life and it's so frustrating that I want to cry about it
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
shoulda jsut gone to an adhd clinic in the first place i guess. But i had some trust and faith in doctors
space witch
4 years ago
yeah, no amount of therapy can fix broken executive function; you know what you're supposed to be doing!
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
like i don't want to sound egotistical but I'm like
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
How does therapy fix adhd????????????????????????????????????
space witch
4 years ago
also I'm sorry Wellbutrin isn't working for you; it made me WILDLY productive but I never slept and ended up having an allergic reaction.
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I've done a good amount of therapy.
space witch
4 years ago
I mean, it can teach you some extra methods of coping IF they're an ADHD-focused therapist
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Wellbutrin worked when I wasn't stressed out! and when things were NORMAL
space witch
4 years ago
but if you know what you should be doing and can't make yourself do it, therapy isn't gonna do jack.
space witch
4 years ago
see also: me rn.
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
But yeah like I've done a good amount of therapy. I have gotten tools to deal with a lot of the negative symptoms of ADHD
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
EG anxiety and depression, sometimes impulse control especially regarding emotional disregulation
space witch
4 years ago
I don't need therapy I need fucking adderal
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
BUT YEAH that was the way I figured out something else was wrong because I was like
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
"I'm managing??? My depression??? And my anxiety???? But I still can't clean my room???? It's WORSE????"
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
"Why am I bleeding money???? I was able to save when I was really depressed???? What's different now???????????"
space witch
4 years ago
yeah, my ssris are like... barely limping along but I can't drag myself through the adhd stuff.
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
"I'm able to draw??? But I can't draw my own things with regularity?????"
space witch
4 years ago
normally I can just drag myself through it but lately my brain is like, no, we're gonna do what we want, forget anything else.
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Thus why I had to drop the therapist I loved and adored because of her insistence that this was anxiety and I was just making up the ADHD thing I guess
space witch
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Looks at my entire class i graduated with and how much most of them are very much not like me
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
because they have discipline and don't procrastinate as much and you know
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
are more neurotypical
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
AND This is to not say that i couldn't benefit from therapy. I could
space witch
4 years ago
my anxiety is ALSO out of control which just means my focus is shot
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
This is to say that the biggest issue I am having cannot be fixed with therapy and discussing that with a doctor will be an exercise in frustration as I have to explain to a new therapist that my executive functioning is shot and this is not anxiety
space witch
4 years ago
space witch
4 years ago
I'm procrastinating calling the therapist my one adhd friend recced to me
space witch
4 years ago
because I know I'll just end up being like
space witch
4 years ago
~it's fine
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Yeah my anxiety is MOSTLY?????? OKAY? Right now it isn't but these are extraordinary circumstances. Thus. Understandable. AnD right now I AM procrastinating and hesitant to start on anything because of my anxiety
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Because my anxiety knows
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
that this is what's gonna happen
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Brain: Cool you got the good chemicals for two days. now i've decided to stop because i refuse to comprehend any long term goals
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
space witch
4 years ago
I know this feel
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
So right now my anxiety is just telling me to not becaus eof that
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Which i'm honestly in agreement with until i at least make an attempt at a different medication
space witch
4 years ago
I have learned so many new skills to the point of completing one (1) thing and then being done forever... after I bought 100 supplies
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
If I could just clean my room and see the floor i would be
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
so happy
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
it sounds so fucking simple
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
It isn't
space witch
4 years ago
I've been sloooooowly working on that
space witch
4 years ago
the only thing that helps is honestly having my husband come in and be like DO THIS ONE SINGULAR TASK every so often.
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
and it's the most frustrating thing ever because my room being a mess has been knocked into me as being a personal failing and showing physically how fucked up i am
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
space witch
4 years ago
ugh tell your mom to shhh
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Like adhd isn't seen as a mental disorder or a chemical imbalance
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
it's seen as a character defect
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
one that i spent the majority of my life just accepting
space witch
4 years ago
I just need them to bottle executive functioning
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I'm lazy. I'm a procrastinator. I don't live up to my potential. I'm stupid. I'm playing dumb.
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I'm a trash person who can't do anything because of my own character flaws
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
BUT I cannot defeat those thoughts if I still have these fucking traits because of a faulty brain wiring
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
because I can build myself up and do things and be like YES I AM MOTIVATED AND INTELLIGENT AND HARD WORKING and just BE THAT THING.
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
And then guess what
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
That projects left aside
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
my room is messy
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I'm let go from my fucking job that I actually really loved and did my fucking best at and it still wasn't enough
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
which everyone can say "It wasn't personal and not your fault" and on one hand they're right
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
on the other hand I know i dropped the ball several times.
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I know during this pandemic? I was getting NOTHING done
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Not because there wasn't work but because my brain just couldn't adapt
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I'd sit and stare at my screen and go "DO TI" and it was like "nah"
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I broke down in tears a few times
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
no amount of to do lists or mindfulness or WHATEVER helped
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
there you have it
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I'm doin my best to not be kinda mad and frustrated because of all this but
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
also lets not get into my brains anxiety talk of saying i'm going to take the meds and they are just not gonna work because i've actually been making all this up and i am a lazy stupid trash person who has been deluding herself into thinking she is anything more than that
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Because that is anxiety brain and she is Plump with external environmental circumstances that are out of my control but prove everything she says right
4 years ago
I wish you all the luck and I hope you are able to find something that works for you
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
lmao thank you. I know my parents will help me if this does go the way my anxiety is saying it will go but
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Health care is frustrating enough when you do have insurance in america
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
and I'm about to not have insurance anymore so i'm like
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
end my life
4 years ago
I can only hope things will get better fast. And I can Hope anxiety brain issues can shut up for like five minutes. Please.
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
we'll see thursday
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I'm saying thursday because I may be an emotional basket case at the end of tomorrow
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Seeing my office for the last time
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
the worst thing is we all had to SCHEDULE time slots
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
and we can't over lap
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
So we have to go in by ourselves
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
I want to write my team members cards, but I'm not sure if I'll be allowed to leave anything??? I'm going to try and slip them in and at least leave them at my leads desk if I can
4 years ago
... Well... That's definitely a thing. Good luck and try to rest as much as you can go see if that helps any.
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
i got a plan. My desk is right next to my leads so I can like TRIP AND DROP MY STUFF AND THEN JUST SHOVE IT INTO HER DRAWERS
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
My only worry is that I'm afraid if someone else gets let go that they won't get the letter
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
lets be honest
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
they told us they had zero plans to let anyone go
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
And in case anyone is wondering, i've connected with others and one of the people had been working at the company for FIVE YEARS
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Basically this means no one is really "safe"
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
and so they held another all hands meeting saying there were no more lay offs planned
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
and its like
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
That now means nothing
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
and especially given how corporate they handled this, which i 100% understand that they were probably forced into handling it like this but
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
Zero of us got the chance to say good bye or anything and???? that's really shitty for morale
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
i just don't see this working out well for the company as a whole
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
which really sucks. I kinda wish I knew more behind the scenes of what they're being told because this was just such a bad way of handling it.
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
this is the shit that makes people leave jobs
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
and holy fucki still need to take my meds and feed the cats SOMEONE SAVE ME FROM MY UNSTRUCTURED ADHD LIFE
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
also i found out yesterday that there is infact an asian lady who is feeding the cat mafia
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
She was worried because one of the cardboard scratchers got wet and saw me in the window and was liek "IS THIS YOURS" I was like 'ye its cool'
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
space witch
4 years ago
space witch
4 years ago
as you can see I adhd'd right out of this conversation but it was mostly because my son started asking me for 500 things and I forgot about my phone
4 years ago
Oh that is a nice thing to hear.
Again seriously all The luck for the next few days
NaiLo Ren.
4 years ago
speaksincolor: but is the child screaming
space witch
4 years ago
space witch
4 years ago
she screamed all day yesterday
space witch
4 years ago
and then today she actually has been good and is now napping
space witch
4 years ago
we're pretty sure she's growing her last molar on the top hence all the shrieks
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