Jett Roxan
4 years ago
Panicking because the build i was working so hard on just completely poofed after a sim reset. Nothing in lost and found, just gone. halp! has anyone navigated this before?
latest #13
Is it a meat build?
Pam Spam
4 years ago
Clear inv cache and relog? Don't freak out it should appear!
Jett Roxan
4 years ago
the entire sim is basically gone. well like 95% of it is gone just hoping they will roll back and my stuff will be intact
Jett Roxan
4 years ago
im just renting, and have no confidence in the owner. I was just looking to rent a place temporarily
Cate Heartsong
4 years ago
Oh no! I hope you get it back!
Jett Roxan
4 years ago
Yeah I did all the cache clearing and things it's a sim wide issue... So weird
4 years ago
Oh no I hope a roll back can fix it
4 years ago
If you are looking for a space, try Gooseberry, the owners are fantastic, choice of house, fully landscaped. I moved there a couple of weeks ago, I love it.
Le Pumpkin
4 years ago
Awwww I hope your stuff comes back. That is stressful!
4 years ago
Nooooooo. Did you get it back??
4 years ago
It was looking so good!
4 years ago
LL can do a restore
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