Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
I love how Byleth and Edelgard are giving Dimitri one-sided information and he's just totally buying it immediately. Just like he did with what TWISTD presented him - he's so easy to manipulate oops
latest #106
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
He really wants to be independent (and I want this for him too, UGH!) but his version of that is
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
taking what he knows, forming his own wild conclusions, and running them by NO ONE before bowling wildly ahead with them
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
the only thing he doesn't quite buy is that Rhea NEEDS to be MURDERED ASAP
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
everything else he's like yeah that checks out
4 years ago
AT LEAST THEYRE LIKE... genuinely telling him the truth as they know it fkaskdfjk
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
OH YEAH they're trying!! And I think its' good that they're being so open with him, a lot of what he's learning WILL make him more willing to work with them
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
not to make a war but to help consolidate their goals
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
It's just hard to contrast with a really aggressive empire in AM / VW where they immediately killed Rufus, framed Dimitri, and installed Cornelia in Faerghus
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
vs Edel and Byleth's "we would have left Faerghus alone completely if you hadn't sided with the church"
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
but no one has told him those tidbits from AM / VW so he's like WELL I GUESS
4 years ago
yeah if dimitri heard about that and challenged byleth on it she'd just be like "idk man that's not how it happened don't know what to tell you" while just like playing victorian cookie clicker or smth
4 years ago
it's got nothing to do with her
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
i'm fine treating our forced honesty thread as canon btw! this isn't anything she'd be evasive on if he directly pressed her about it
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
I will keep as many of them as possible, I'll hoard them like a gremlin
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
so YES PLEASE - I'm planning to put all of the threads I'm keeping into my (soon to be created) thread tracker so they just track with the rest of the CR
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Byleth so utterly dismissive of Edelgard's actions in other timelines vs Dimitri trying to be responsible for EVERYTHING in EVERY TIME LINE
4 years ago
yeah like she has actual thought processes for why she sees it that way but if im being honest it mostly boils down to "you don't have all the facts" "which are?" "i love her"
4 years ago
at the end of the day
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
you know byleth, fair
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
maybe someday dimi and byleth can realize... how much they each care abt edelgard
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
she's his only family left, he really does care about her at this point
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
(rufus can go get fucked)
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
also zero i love your reference to seiros vs nemesis that's good shit
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
ALSO ZERO AGAIN - I'm not going to have Dima ask about Duscur in /this/ thread because it is a less formal thread, but know he'll be at it soon
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
he's along for the ride of okay, we have to fight the true enemy of fodlan - twistd. they did duscur? hell yeah murder them all
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
wait you worked with twistd??? Kill Bill Ironside Siren Sound
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
"prosecuted the war without their help while they held us all at fantasy gunpoint" is more like it dima
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
without much of their help in CF, but with a LOT of their help in other routes
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
but it all depends on what he's told - if he keeps learning only CF lore then maybe he'll buy it. maybe.
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
duscur related stuff doesn't really beget good decisions
Claude is coming with bread you idiot sandwich
felix should probably tell him more of the am side of things
but then he would have to
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
talk to him
talk to him
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
I don't mind that he hasn't been filled in on everything in full detail - I think its fun to see things naturally develop
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
let him really steep in that CF reality before telilng him about how he's somehow WORSE in his own timeline LKSDFJ:KLSFHEWF
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
AM / VW dimitri makes CF dimitri look like a respectible fellow just tryina chase some uppity kids off his lawn
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
he makes peace with how terrible he apparently is in CF and then hears from Sylvain/Felix/Claude about the other routes and is like FUCK GO BACK
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
wait nah he'll just accept that too
He is a whole different man in AM
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
GUESS HES THE WORST time to murder abt it
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
man is generous
For one thing, he bathes
hes three whole different mans in am
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
you mean CF?
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
:LKSFJiEWHFfSF true nug
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
dimitri hitting the eject button an am dimitri like nope, nope, nope
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
but the eject buttons broken so he just has to deal with it
I don't think we even have anyone from endgame am so like. none of them know how their whole mess ends
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
claude just dumps out a knife drawer and that's his analogy for how dima ends
press f to pay respects
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
goodnight sweet prince
wraps him in bubble wrap and puts him in the attic
look, they don't KNOW he doesn't ALSO die in his own timeline
With the way he’s going at it, he’s certainly trying to
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
protect him from himself...
4 years ago
byleth may have just laid the hell into him
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
it's a fair critique, especially of preskip dima who really does want to let EVERYONE have a voice
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
some people dont deserve a voice dimi
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
god here's dimitri like "oh how much of a shitlord am i in your timeline" about future/other routes and meanwhile byleth's just like "shut up shut up shut UP tell me nothing"
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
yeah they're VERY MUCH opposites in that way
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
anyway here's dimitri saying stuff he'll regret, more news at 10
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
in news that happens every day: pampered rich white boy throws his hands up and says "FUCK IT" when called on his priveledge
4 years ago
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
HE WILL REGRET HIS OWN WORDS he doesnt like that he's truly more interested in revenge than ruling but... here it is
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
i cant reply til tomorrow but i feel like he'll have a hard time even engaging in the conversation byleth is trying to have
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
which bites cos i want them to have it and ONE of them is always like "NOOOO"
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
anger though, dimitri speaks anger, so this will sure go /somewhere/
4 years ago
im losing my shit over the contrast between byleths current threads with the lords though bc her thread with edelgard rn is like. the softest shit on earth.
4 years ago
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
a vERY biased parent LMLASDSFSDFSD
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Byleth and edelgard's threads are SO different for Dimitri too
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Dimitri with Edelgard: oh no let me help you bb, please, do not fear
Dimitri with Byleth: fuck you and also die
4 years ago
byleth's like "i don't hate you" but i think the only time she's ever truly hated someone was seiros so her metric for this might just be broken fjklasjlgjkl
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
dimas lucky her metric is fucked
4 years ago
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
hubert is filling him in now but THATS not game canon so someone will have to do it again
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
Oh. Oh no.
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
4 years ago
tear him apart hubert
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
get 'im
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
"forced honesty" is learning how much of an act Hubert puts on
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
rubs hands together
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
took me a while, but have fun with that
4 years ago
dimitri: h
byleth and hubert: https://imgs.plurk.com/Qy9/n3z/i1sGBTx1HpUY1qAXxoXEk1ypNbW_lg.jpg
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
man hubert ur on your way to provoking him right out of that truce
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
lets all be honest if someone breaks it it'll be dima
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
Hu...bert's on his way to provoking several people out of the truce
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
There is no off switch for the goading
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
This is the good behavior
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
clockworkbrain: fantastic choice of image btw
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
"this IS the good behavior" lmao i love hubert
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