tl;dr: I had stuff I needed to get done and was feeling kind of down, so I jettisoned RP for more mindless free time things, and there's a bunch of RP stuff on plurk so I just kept to myself for a bit.
Thanks! It's a work in progress, but I did at least get to sleep at a reasonable hour and sleep a full eight hours, so that's definitely looking up! Also I missed you all.
gsdragono: for some reason my mind saw !! and read "if" so I had a moment of confusion, but now that I have actually read it, I'm very touched. RuddyOwls: Hope so, too! Signs are promising that things are on their way up.
I knew that you all would be understanding, so I was able to take that space without guilt! Though I didn’t expect it to be this long or else I would have told people I was taking a hiatus, haha.
I’ve got new people who aren’t used to me quietly disappearing for no reason and then returning like nothing happened. And also current conditions make worry easier.
also, if you need someone to talk to feel free to PP me or hit me on Discord. brain stuff is annoying and hard, but sometimes it's easier if you talk it out
It took me all weekend to do one tag because of that whole inertia problem that happens when I end up with a big pile of tags that have been sitting for a long time, but I did that one and gosh playing Leslie is fun.
It’ll probably take a while because the inertia-pushthrough energy is needed for doing.,.my actual work, too...but gosh I really like playing Leslie and I wanna do it more again!!