Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
latest #116
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
for those of u who like to put random numbers it's: A-J, L (k doesnt apply), and 1-23
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
A:2, A:6, and A:16 for Oboro!
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
B:15, B:16 and H:9!
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
For Takasugi, sorry
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
F:12: Would they enjoy a theme park? - this made me laugh. :-D
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
Though maybe Takasugi would enjoy being incongruously menacing in a theme park, like in the festival of his introduction episode.
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
Meanwhile I can't really imagine Oboro in a theme park at all...
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
HAHAHA i love how different some of these q s are
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
There's a looot of them!!
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
Also, L:5 and L:6 for you!
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Oboro as an adult in canon is there as an underpaid bodyguard for some high ranking politician and he keeps to the shadows and does his damn job
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
That does work (aha)
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Little Oboro who got to do things w Shouyou instead of brick it within 12 hours... bought 3 guidebooks, has an itenerary, and is ready for maximum fun that includes crow watching
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
does he enjoy half the things they do? maybe not, but they are available so they MUST BE DONE
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
Ahhh... thinking of tiny child!Oboro going around wide-eyed in a theme park
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
he would definitely do that. such a well-organized child
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Takasugi goes to a theme park w his terrible friends, finds an aesthetic place to sit, and hangs out for 12 hours participating in nothing
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
but he enjoyed doing that, probably
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
oh when you said that about Takasugi all I pictured was the Class 3Z version of him, with the modern eyepatch and scruffy school uniform
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
SAME, but it tracks for a joui taka too I think haha
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
yes and then you could have Sakamoto keep trying to drag him off to do something he considers fun. (And when Sakamoto is distracted, Zura takes up the slack.)
do f2 for dimitri....
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
oh yeah they all take turns goading him into shit for sure
4 years ago
Takasugi at a theme park just sitting on a bench with his leggies out
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
literally hahah
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
Underneath some leafy tree, avoiding the kids (and with less success, Gintoki) eating cotton candy
4 years ago
eating cotton candy in between drags of his pipe, looking Pensive
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
oh i meant he tried to avoid sticky kids and sticky perms eating cotton candy :-D
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
definitely looking deep and pensive
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
def not eating anything that reminds him of gintoki. on principle. he doesnt even hate sweets he just hates gintoki
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
apart from yakult, what food do you think takasugi likes?
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
meat! savory dishes, and fancy aesthetic looking sushi - he doesn't like foreign food at all
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
overall i think hes more into drink (sake, soju, etc) than food, when it comes to being particular
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
but he does like to indulge
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
/nod nod (thinking)
4 years ago
he can eat....idk what food he'd like that would be available at a Japanese theme park tho
4 years ago
Matako can give him a corn dog or something
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
that'll do
teenage war general takasugi drinking his calories is my fave
an alcoholic by 17
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
i mean sometimes stabbing ppl to cope isn't enough and you gotta drink
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
speaking o
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
selhai there they are!
i swear you write takasugi w an aquarius moon LMFAO
"These petty little things spark joy" is a whole mood
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
what moon do you give him
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
I need to go find wherever I have his star chart and update it to aq moon - whatever else I may have had there has to go HAHA
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
what a cute question...
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
i default to whatever he's got going on in music for a while because that fic has my heart
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
but i enjoyed the chance to think about it on my own and brainstorm some details!
he can have one succulent as a treat oh no....
please let dedue take care of the cacti
also you can't mention fic and not link
scorpio, naturally
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
im sobbing every chapter
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
its postcanon AM slowburn dima pov dimilix that does a lot with dima's mental illness/warped perception of reality
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
I'd also recommend literally everything else by that author they're amazing
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
and usually write felix pov
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
jade i thought it was scorpio, but i wanted to make sure
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
how much scorpio did you cram into that angry little man
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
also yes dedue's going to have to take care of the cacti or dimitri will kill it, too - but at least dima can feel like he's part of something
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
nope im wrong he's just a turbo bitch
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
"MERCURY: pisces" what a curse
i love pisces mercury... it's not actually possible w a leo sun BUT I LOVE IT
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
HAHAHAHAH I'm so fucking validated that you wrote your star chart like that
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
cos i did mine like that too
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
"okay but this one makes the most sense"
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
now that I know better I can't make new ones that way, but it was a good time
i haven't read it yet but I certainly will now thank you
now all I can think about is that one fic where felix is a cactus dryad and sylvain keeps overwatering him and he's angry
but I also think about that, like, at least once daily
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
OH MY GOD I have not read that link me!!!
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
That sounds cute
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
These answers are all excellent Thank you
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
thank YOU for giving me the chance to think on them!
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
Takasugi loving characters with a laser-focused mindset but ONLY if they're not like shonen protags (LOL)
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
Love your explanation about his focus on needing attention from certain people and making sure to make an impression as a leader on the one hand but not caring one whit about the overall public
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
that pure shonen protag innocence/naivete just exhausts him immediately
Streets of Edo
4 years ago
That is actually understandable
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
i think even as a kid himself, he couldn't wrap his head around that sort of mentality, and that's one of the elements that isolated him from his peers before shouyou
4 years ago
aww, Shinsuke...
4 years ago
and by now he is Exhausted
pretty fly for a cacti it's not even that long but the concept gets me every time
Now I'm binge reading music for a while so thanks for that
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
oh my god what a cute title LOL
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
im so glad music for a while caught you hehehe PLEASE ENJOY THE RIDE...
4 years ago
Takasugi thinks he’s edgy but then he has to deal with Kamui and he’s even more Exhausted
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
LITERALLY HAHAH kamui makes him feel his age
4 years ago
I feel like Takasugi when interacting w younger fandom
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
4 years ago
everyone just wants to FIGHT and i'm here like....just let me read fanfiction while pensively sitting with my leggies out
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
HAHAHAHAHA thats how i live too <\3 especailly with how big FE3H is, Its easy to drown in the fight of the day if ur not careful
4 years ago
4 years ago
tbh since I don't have a switch and kind of want to wait until I ever get one, I only know FE3H by osmosis from friends and memes, which tbh is a pretty fun way to consume it
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
I hope you get to play it someday, it's pretty fun!! I'm glad you've had fun osmosis instead of wack experiences though hahaha
4 years ago
experiencing FE3H through memes is the way to go clearly
4 years ago
I think it works bc there’s so many characters that you can find someone, anyone, who fits a given meme
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
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