昨天跟日本朋友一起出去吃飯,因為她是大四學姐,再過幾個月就要回日本了,所以我很把握跟她相處的時間,雖然我一直說服她現在日本不安全不要回去STAY FOREVER

我們去吃藏壽司,不敢吃生食的我,只點鮮蝦壽司跟其他豬肉壽司 https://images.plurk.com/4wdLenDRGwr9FweeSrwT6y.jpg
latest #15
4 years ago
壽司棒!! (money)
昨天我們聊了很久,她真的是天使,我最近心情其實非常不好,但跟她聊天之後完全復活,大概知道自己要怎麼應對生活上的shitty things,雖然不會是最好的選擇,但會是最正確對自己最好的選擇
It's a bit mafan to post another plurk so negative stuff below
I have a situation like bipolar disorder and I want to change it so I'm going to be a selfish person, or more specifically, a jibairen. I always help others but they see me as a turd. Like doing a group project, no one seems to want to do it so I always do most of work. I do it not because I want their appreciation, it's because I don't want to waste my time
Due to my church stuff, I always try to be nice but that becomes others' weapon to attack me. They take me for granted and think I don't have a limit. I do have one, I just never let them know I have
To make them stop taking advantage of me, the first step I've done is to delete my social media and ignore others' messages
Screw them, what kind of friends would text you only because he/she needs your help. Btw I've been lied by a friend of mine, that person doesn't only fail me, that person also fail other people in some ways by its lying action. Just want to say one last thing, ignoring messages can help me focus on myself so I'll keep doing it. Done
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