Chihiro wants
15 years ago
to eat some of her delicious cake and a nice cup of coffeeeeee! :-))
latest #44
AKDB™ says
15 years ago
I am here to make you feel at home and things, under instruction from narayan_ O HAII!
Chihiro says
15 years ago
lol i thought that might be the case
narayan says
15 years ago
AKDB™ feels
15 years ago
good. many happy times for all!
Chihiro says
15 years ago
its sad how excited i was to have a fan, but then i realised you were ryans the joy was less...but still ther
Brotoro says
15 years ago
also hello
Brotoro says
15 years ago
from jamie
Chihiro says
15 years ago
AKDB™ says
15 years ago
I'm sorry for being narayan's friend. Pretend i hate him if you like it might feel better
Brotoro says
15 years ago
i um.... i like skeleton head
Chihiro says
15 years ago
heh, i wont hold it against, you...just have to wait till i get a real fan
Chihiro says
15 years ago
Chihiro says
15 years ago
so are you both on ryans course?
Brotoro says
15 years ago
well i just stalk him. like, on the internet
AKDB™ says
15 years ago
yeah same i am in love with him
Brotoro says
15 years ago
he's such a dream boat
Chihiro says
15 years ago
ahhhh...well he is fairly irresistable :-P
Brotoro says
15 years ago
how do you know him? internet stalker?
Chihiro says
15 years ago
i have known him since...year 9
Chihiro says
15 years ago
i am a long term stalker
Brotoro says
15 years ago
AKDB™ says
15 years ago
that's good. good to see you putting in the time and effort,
Chihiro says
15 years ago
well you know, you cant go into these things half arsedly, all or nothing i say
AKDB™ says
15 years ago
Chihiro says
15 years ago
lol :-D
Chihiro says
15 years ago
i am getting a serious sugar rush from cake! :|
Brotoro says
15 years ago
don't worry
Brotoro says
15 years ago
you'l crash and burn in about an hour
AKDB™ says
15 years ago
cake is worse than ketamine
Chihiro says
15 years ago
oh man....i fear the come down i fear it!
Brotoro says
15 years ago
i once had a 12 hour sugar rush, then when it wore off i shouted at some birds and cried into a homeless mans arms
Brotoro says
15 years ago
he was built like a beanbag...
narayan says
15 years ago
guys, i said be NICE. isn't this classed as harrassment or something?
Chihiro says
15 years ago
*hides behind narayan*...i dont want to cry into a homeless mans arms ryan!
Brotoro says
15 years ago
oh jesus i pulled something important trying to find the remote for groundhog day
AKDB™ loves
15 years ago
Groundhog Day
Brotoro says
15 years ago
its fine, you'll learn to love us
Chihiro says
15 years ago
*gives an ice bag*
narayan wishes
15 years ago
Jamie would maybe go to the gym with me. And afterwards maybe we could get some lunch
AKDB™ thinks
15 years ago
that sounds nice. You guys should do that
Brotoro says
15 years ago
some chicken
Brotoro says
15 years ago
maybe some sex
Chihiro says
15 years ago
see how the night goes
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