Futaba: To be honest, part of me just can't accept Crow on the team. No matter how I approach it, I just can't think of a way where it's okay. So, please let me get back to navigating! I wanna navigate so hard that I won't be able to think about anything else!
Akechi: ...Who would have thought we'd ever be working together again? However you may feel about it, I hope we can still see this through.
Ryuji: Ain't nothin' to say--so long as Oracle and Noir are cool with it.
Haru: I'm fine. Besides, it's reassuring to have the additional manpower.
Futaba: No worries here! Just focus on the task at hand, got it? To start off, let's head back to the point we reached last time!
Monday: In a sense, it's kind of funny that this palace has taken the form of a cult, because Maruki's become what every cult leader wants to become!
i keep finishing battles like this
do you want to get back together. is that what you're saying
Akechi: Even at times like this... This place is no different.
Akechi: So, you had something you wanted to talk about? I'll talk to you if you need me to.
Akechi: Ahh, there's a singer here today... Pleasing, as always.
Akechi: I never thought I'd be teaming up with you like this again.
Akechi: From what I've seen, it looks like your skills haven't diminished. That's a relief.
Akechi: ...You once defeated me at my full strength. I won't accept you losing to someone else.
blah blah, chatted with Akechi for a while
Akechi: It's already so late... I guess we've been chatting for quite awhile.
Akechi: I feel like I managed to sort through my thoughts. Maybe my horizons have broadened a bit?
Akechi: That wasn't too bad.
Okay, took a long time to get through Mementos, but now we're back at the Jazz club with our favorite murder boyfriend
Akechi: What, you like this place that much? I guess I understand how you feel.
Akechi: The world appears normal, yet there is a growing distortion that cannot be overlooked.
Akechi: It's rather discomforting. Like when a fish bone gets caught in your throat.
Akechi: It's still okay while you can feel the pain, but if you are unable to even feel that...
Akechi: It's already so late... I guess we've been chatting for quite awhile.
Akechi: I feel like I managed to sort through my thoughts. Maybe my horizons have broadened a bit?
Akechi: That wasn't too bad.
Akechi: Guess it's time.
Well, see ya.
Akechi: Why do adults feel the need to exert control...?
Akechi: Is it so they can feel strong? Or to assert that they're in the right?
Akechi: They're surprisingly childish on the inside... Maybe there are some untainted desires hidden in there.
Akechi: I'm glad you're still normal, even in this bizarre situation.
Akechi: If you'd lost it too... Well, if that happened, I would have slapped you awake.
Akechi: In all honesty, I wasn't sure if teaming up with you again would work out.
Akechi: This may not apply to you, but... I'm sure there are others among the Phantom Thieves who hate me.
Akechi: Well, the deal's already been struck, so I intend to do my part... There won't be any elaborate schemes this time.
Akechi: When you see someone you thought you knew, but their personality changed into something completely different...
Akechi: That's not funny at all. It's disturbing.
Akechi: But for some, that change is a blessing... I can't comprehend it at all.
Akechi: It feels good being able to fight with everything I have, even in front of all of you. Not like how I was before.
Akechi: I don't mind acting under a fake personality, but nothing beats being able to act freely...
Akechi: Of course, I do intend to act in the spirit of a team. I'm not going to go off and start trouble on my own.
Akechi: The concept of happiness is a recurring topic in philosophical discussions.
Akechi: What if an individual's happiness doesn't align with the group's? If their happiness hinges on the group's unhappiness?
Akechi: I find this a surprisingly good way to relieve boredom. If you've got nothing better to do, you should give it some thought as well.
Akechi: You know, with everyone else having their minds controlled, I thought I was special. But maybe that isn't the case.
Akechi: Maybe I just think I have free will, but I'm actually still acting according to Maruki's will... That would be pretty laughable.
Akechi: But I'm not going to just stop thinking because of some unprovable theory. I'm going to keep resisting.
Akechi: Ah, back to what we were discussing before...
Akechi: It's fine if you aren't worried, but you're going to get burned if you get carried away.
Akechi: There's not much time until the deadline. I trust you intend on going to the Palace today?
Ren: I'm thinking about it.
Akechi: Tch. You simpleton...
Akechi: I've said it plenty of times already, but we're running out of time. If you're getting cold feet, speak up now.
Akechi: But if you do have the will to fight, then call an assembly at the hideout. We have to go to the Palace.
oh, you can still invite akechi to the jazz bar even if you don't go to the palace.
he just shows up and beats you to death with his briefcase in the club
if you take akechi to church in 3rd semester (which first requires you to make him learn a skill on sunday at jazz jin)
Akechi: Is this... a confessional?
Akechi: You summon me out of the blue and ask to meet here... You're quite the character.
Ren: Something good will happen.
Akechi: Something good, huh... For the Phantom Thieves, I assume?
Akechi: Fine, I'll go in.
Akechi: Hmph... Sorry to keep you waiting.
Akechi: So you reflect upon your past through conversation. It's not a bad way to organize your thoughts.
Akechi: This was a fairly valuable experience... I suppose I owe you thanks.
Akechi: Let's head home. You don't have much time left, right?