4 years ago
[FF7R] SCREEEEAM I beat the fucking Hell House and then a goddamn side quest was kicking my ass so I went back to last checkpoint and it’s BEFORE the fucking hell house WHHHHHHY
latest #86
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
I did! (yea)
all hail the conquering puppy
4 years ago
/clings to Katya
/showers u in chuchus
4 years ago
I have random itches to rp heirra at like....2 am
/keeps reading old threads
4 years ago
What kind of scenarios~~~?
fluffy fambly stuff
wherein korra gets a speshul necklace
4 years ago
which mai instantly wants to wear
4 years ago
Mai pls. I spent a smol fortune on that
4 years ago
What would make Hei decide to give her a special necklace? 😚
Mai: I AM ur smol fortune
A confluence of things. Bad dreams of korra disappearing. A decision to stop being half-in, half-out where his rl is concerned. And most vitally, an allergy to paperwork which makes the necklace a safer bet.
4 years ago
4 years ago
I like the idea of Mai getting obsessed with the fact that her parents aren’t married
4 years ago
And just constantly kicking up a fuss
ffdssfds she watches disney films and asks what her parents wedding was like
goes to her little friends' houses and sees wedding pics
4 years ago
She keeps trying to set up their wedding when she find out they didn’t have one
her mama must have a princess dress ofc
4 years ago
Korra: oh fuck
with a veil that could sweep the entire beach house
and flowers everywhere
4 years ago
Korra: nooooooooo
4 years ago
Korra: /sneezes
and ofc she conducts the vows
all of which involve giving mai ice cream
and extra cuddles
4 years ago
Korra: (annoyed) I
4 years ago
awwwwwwwe bb
Hei is like =_=
considers getting her more dolls to channel this nonsense into
4 years ago
Korra: no we have too much stuff already
4 years ago
/made in her ez bake oven
possibly with flowers in it too
4 years ago
Korra: ...ok lets eat cake first
Hei is secretly charmed by her baking attempts
meanwhile suluk has his own mini kitchen
so he can feel helpful
4 years ago
while hei preps breakfast suluk assumes his own station at the tiny stove and stirs baby carrots around in a bowl
dropping everything on the floor
4 years ago
And then Mai scolds him for being messy
Suluk: cheerfully stuffs a carrot into her mouth :-)
4 years ago
Mai: X-(
Hei: /sibling!love
4 years ago
Korra: 🥰 /bbies
Hei:/slips her the necklace while the beebs are occupied
probably he proposes daito nights so not every day is bb day
and gives it to her then
4 years ago
he gets the blue stone from a store but does the engraving himself
4 years ago
And what does he engrave~?
summoned a demon by getting the engraving wrong oops
4 years ago
LMAO omfg
will have to redo the design
after the demon slaying
4 years ago
The demon slaying becomes one of their date nights
and ofc he enjoys the adrenaline and slaughter (haha)
just like old times
4 years ago
She finds it pretty hot herself
they get frisky in the haunted house after chasing the demon there
4 years ago
dead demon grants the necklace holder enhanced power oops
hei made u an energetic magnifying glass korra
4 years ago
Demon viagra?
also great for opening the 3rd eye
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