he knows that he made mistakes in his youth, he knows that he ran away, he knows that he could've done more
and now he's trying to make it up and atone by doing whatever he can for his kids
he rethinks his thoughts, his words, his actions, and he looks out for his kids so damn much
You can see him stop to think, to change his mind, his stance, his point of view and it's not done in a bombastic, over-the-top way with a shadow or an awakening
he's just a human being realizing that his view was too narrow, and now he's going to listen and change and support the people he cares about
He scolds them, tells them how dangerous it is, but he also listens, understands, and respects their decisions as other human beings
Katie: This is not a deal! This is just Sojiro caring about people!
He respects his kids' agencies and supports them, shelters them, gives them a safe space
he's such a good fucking dad
Ryuji: Are your clothes all black or something
Sojiro: I'm glad you made it home...
All he can do is sit in silence, doing what little work he can, listening to news, not knowing if his kids are gonna get arrested
D: Can't even pet the cat because the cat goes with the boy.
Monday: Is the cat a phantom thief? I don't know! Sure talks a lot. Even the cat betrayed me!
every time his kids leave, he doesn't know if he'll see them again
oh man everyone's just asking akechi if he knows who black mask is
He's talking about Joker in this chat, not Black Mask
akechi: You like it here?
Akechi: I'm so happy that I'm here talking with you again. Isn't this jazz club nice?
Akechi: I like how not a lot of people really know this place... Heh, or does that sound like I'm showing off?
Akechi: Mmm, delicious. It's very well-made.
Akechi: You are aware how I'm both a high school student and a detective, right? You must know I don't have much time for studying.
Akechi: But at times like these, I can conveniently look up the class material online.
Akechi: It seems to put teachers in an awkward position though, doesn't it? Why teach us things that we can just learn ourselves...
Akechi: We talked more than I was expecting. I suppose the atmosphere of this place does that...
Akechi: Even aimless chatting can help you to realize certain things... It wasn't a bad experience.
Akechi: The time I spend with you is so meaningful. Oh, and there's something else I wanted to talk to you about...
Akechi: Ah, sorry. It looks like I have to get to work. Time flies when you have fun, doesn't it?
Akechi: This place is like your house. It's not the greatest, but you still end up feeling so comfortable.
(D: This is place is like your ass! It's not the greatest...)
Akechi: I often spend time with adults in my line of work. So I visit various restaurants to pick up good conversation topics.
Akechi: You can't tell how a dish tastes based only on appearance, so you need a fair amount of courage to take that first bite.
Akechi: Speaking of which, that takoyaki I had at your school festival... it was, um... delicious...
Akechi: A long time ago, a girl from another class confessed her love for me... Oh, this isn't me bragging by the way.
Akechi: At the time, the only thing on my mind was how exactly I was going to turn her down.
Akechi: I'm terrible, aren't I? I think so too. But, I have something that I must do...
Akechi: There are times when I go to well-known restaurants with my work colleagues...
Akechi: But honestly, regardless of how the food tastes, I think the most important thing is whether or not my wants can be satisfied.
Akechi: So if I want to eat a meat dish, I wouldn't want sashimi... Then again, I suppose an adult does need to keep up appearances.
Akechi: I enjoy talking with Sae-san. Not only is she smart, but she's upfront.
Akechi: When I tell her that I want to eat at a traditional sushi restaurant, she says, "Only if it's the conveyor belt kind."
Akechi: Someday, I've got to treat Sae-san to some traditional sushi...
Akechi: When I go to school, I never know what to talk to my classmates about. All they want to ask me about is show business...
Akechi: It's not like I specifically want to go on TV. It's just that talk shows are convenient for sorting through my own thoughts.
Akechi: I must say though... I enjoyed the segment we did in June. It was refreshing to have someone object to my opinion so openly.
Akechi: I get told a lot that I usually have a poker face on TV, or that I'm always smiling...
Akechi: I'm not a robot or anything--I'm a human, like everyone else. So of course there are times when I get angry.
Akechi: Oh, but... it's never reached a point where I've lost my composure. It might feel good to be able to unchain myself though.
Akechi: The train system has certainly grown in the city, but bicycles are surprisingly convenient, too.
Akechi: With trains, your activities are limited to where the stations are, right? But with a bicycle, you can go wherever you want.
Akechi: The only downside would probably be rainy days. I feel so unlucky whenever I get caught in a sudden downpour.
Akechi: Ah, so there was a singer here today.
Akechi: ...Mmm. It really is different hearing the real thing.
Akechi: I've pursued a lot of different cases in this world, and witnessed the unsightly desires of some detestable adults...
Akechi: But information is the lifeblood that resolves a case, so I mustn't avert my eyes.
Akechi: Well... there are times when I do tire of it. When that happens, I play darts or go bouldering to relax.
Akechi: So, back to what I was saying before...
ten sets of jazz club with pre-reveal akechi
I'm late o this but Sojiro is such a goddamned good