i got a free point of guts and some morgana sass without expending time, so it was worth it!
Ren just has a piece of bread for lunch, and some of it he's probably saving for Morgana because Morgana wanted bread
like maybe ren doesn't kasumi-levels of food
but please eat some actual food
maruki may only have a convenience store bento, but it's at least more than bread?!?!
ren do you eat real food that's not curry at all
it's the sketchy akechi and the upset sae
haru had literally the worst celebration party. saw her father get a mental shutdown on live tv at the happiest place on earth
and then switched to a professional, heiress mode to make arrangements even as her father's fate was unknown
"The malicious will of another..." LIKE YOU, YALDY?!
"Th-This is assault... I'll sue!"
Worst echo ever
thanks, Futaba's no good uncle
at least sojiro is here to back ren up this time
this time ren's not alone
God, the dialogue choices sound so different. He sounds like a kid trying to defend himself rather than a cocky, dry, guy who uses humor to deflect
Sojiro's rank 8 is so good for character development
"I didn't do anything wrong."
"I was just protecting Futaba."
"I'm sorry."
He's standing with his back to those Futaba and Sojiro, staring at the door, at where Futaba's uncle was
Iwai: One time, a foreign customer came in and "axed" me a question... Eh, never mind
he did a dad joke i'm so proud
Haru just joined, and now she has to put up with this bullshit
discovered a supernatural world, joined the phantom thieves, had her dad die, and now they're being hunted by the siu!
no breathing room. no chances to relax. no chances to sort through her grief
Sojiro: Oh... are you going through a breakup?
Ren: Eh...next month.
Makoto: What are your thoughts? Should we invite Akechi-kun?
Ren: I've actually been going on dates with him for a while, but now's he's avoiding me and I want to ask him why, so yes
Ryuji: How're we even gonna get in touch with him? It's not like we got his contact info...
Ren: Actually, I do./I've got his number.
so like 10/24 is honey i'm home day but
pompous customer IS RiGHT THERE
akechi please just shoot hi
sojiro will loan you the store gun
ren will give you like. 8 fake ones
just fucking shoot him he's right there
Monday: [about pompous male customer] Can we just spit in his coffee? Just all of us walk up there and spit in his coffee. Not even hide it.
Ren: Are you a Phanboy?
Goro: Hahaha. (I'm gonna fucking shoot you)
I love the way that Ohya phrases it as "Shido's confidants"
because there are a lot of unfortunate parallels between Shido and Ren
especially the Ren that accepts Yaldy's offer in one the Vanilla bad endings
And the fact that the only reason they've succeeded in their goals is because of the network of deals that they've established in the city
what is wrong with shujin
haru...jam in takoyaki.......why.....
fucking hell, akechi stole haru's takoyaki and didn't even have the courtesy of enjoying it
Akechi, you didn't even try disguising yourself. Did you learn nothing from the cafe date?
the shaking is so good
Monday: Do it again, pancake boy
WOW, Morgana. You're just going to leave Yusuke behind?
Yusuke just keeps stepping closer menacingly. Maruki is a doormat. Yusuke is actually taller than him. Maruki is pissing himself
Yusuke: Now, teach me how to unshackle the human heart and glimpse into its endless abyss!
this is everything I wanted
Yusuke: Very well... You and I shall go head-to-head.
Katie: That's not how it works! Therapy isn't combative sports!
Monday: He needs therapy so badly he doesn't know what it is
Me: [makes Ren use the bathroom when his stats are maxed]
Monday: Why did you do that?
Me: Because...I think it's important that he be regular.
oh, that darn pleasant boy
Akechi: Because I saw another--the real culprit.
Katie: Mmmhmm, in the mirror.
Akechi asking Morgana about how they operate is probably the only true thing he says during this scene
Ah, he finally uses the deal word
although he is proposing the deal to all of them, not just ren
stop trying to flirt while you're blackmailing us
Monday: I'm sorry, everyone. The panel has to end because Akechi shit his pants. That Russian takoyaki really did a number on him
D: In unrelated news, we're going to have to shut down the takoyaki stand
D: The poor rakugo research club has to follow this...
Ren is a dancing monster and now Morgana's gonna puke in his bag
I...don't think ever saw the post festival scene with Haru and this MC needs to stop
someone fucking knock him out with a shovel
let's have ryuji and makoto beat this mc up
showdown with sojiro...yikes
also i want to save because it's 9:30 pm
Ren can finally be upfront with Sojiro.
Ren really does respect Sojiro. Ren thinks of him as family
He doesn't even say the words "I'm a phantom thief" to most of his rank 10 confidants, but he'll say it Sojiro
you guys are gonna give sojiro a heart attack
first, he discovers the calling card, then he discovers futaba had a change of heart, then he discovers that ren is connected to the pt, then he discovers that ren IS a pt, and now he's learning that wakaba was murdered
coffee dad cannot take all this at once
his heart is probably really bad from all the coffee
oh god he knew all along about shido
and realizing that his kids are going to go after him
D: His phone autocorrected to fucking. He tried to type "effing"
I like that by calling it "vanilla" P5 you're implying that Royal is the kinky one