Jett Roxan
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
There are a few exceptions for people who have horrible names but generally I think people should keep their names... Im more likely to remove people if their name has been changed on a silly whim and I don't know them. Also maybe that's ok.
latest #12
Jett Roxan
4 years ago
Maybe people don't realize this but a good reputation is worth something even in a virtual world.
Pam Spam
4 years ago
you think that removing someone for changing their name is not a silly whim?
Jett Roxan
4 years ago
Well if I have no idea who they are lol... How can I be held responsible
Pam Spam
4 years ago
I'm just messing with you
Pam Spam
4 years ago
I'll stay the same ok?
4 years ago
I like my SL name no interest in changing it
4 years ago
I changed my name but we're not friends on SL
Pamela_Igaly: you're not the groomer anymore so you changed too! Display name tho
Pam Spam
4 years ago
But but, we talk about meaningful changes@Kis_Faith:
Pam Spam
4 years ago
Kis_Faith: and ill always be yoir groomer
Pam Spam
4 years ago
Pamela_Igaly: besos bb...I like your silly name changes
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