gonna try to transcribe what I play
Morgana: I checked the manual, and it says the story in this game is different from the original TV show
Morgana: Something about trying to become the sixth Phoenix Ranger...
Morgana: I don't know much about the TV series, but this looks like a game you can really sink your teeth into!
Morgana: Let's become a Phoenix Ranger!
Narration: As the threat of doom draws near, a new power spreads its wings...!
Morgana: Whoa, they really know how to get you pumped up!
Morgana: Is this... a lab? That person in front of the computer looks like a scientist.
Woman in White Lab Coat: ...You're awake already. That's a promising sign.
Woman in White Lab Coat: My name is... Well, just call me Osagiri. I've been put in charge of your training.
Osagiri: Welcome to my space laboratory. You are the strongest fighter that I've created yet.
Osagiri: We will now commence your training. Endure it, and you will acquire power equaling that of the Phoenix Rangers.
Osagiri: Since today is your first day, we'll use the simulator. Don't worry about passing or failing, just show me what you can do.
Morgana: Training, huh... I guess you can't become a hero if you don't put in the effort.
Osagiri: Let's begin with a warm up. Try controlling your strength as instructed.
Osagiri: Impressive! You exhibit flawless control.
Osagiri: Let's see how you do with the next challenge.
Osagiri: Incredible... Your strength is far greater than I initially projected...
Osagiri: This next challenge will be the last.
Osagiri: Battle simulator, start!
Morgana: Oh, the scenery changed. Hmmm... Is this a waste disposal facility?
Osagiri: You will be facing an Aberrant from Zylam, the Infinibug army planning to take over Earth.
Osagiri: Its name is Scrapeternum... a powerful Aberrant born of a parasite that fed on scrap metal.
Osagiri: But I know you can defeat it. I have faith in you.
Morgana: So this training is preparing us for real combat. All right, let's get the Aberrant!
Scrapeternum: Clingity clang! I'm Scrapeternum, the scrap metal eating Aberrant, clang!
Scrapeternum: There's too many people on Earth, clang! I'm going to squash them flat to make it a more comfortable place to live, clang!
Morgana: ...This guy's pretty chipper about being a threat to the planet's safety, huh?
Scrapeternum: You dare stand in my way, clang? I'll flatten you out, clang!
Morgana: Here it comes! Get your controller ready!
Scrapeternum: Take this! Compression Press!
Scrapeternum: Hm?! How could this cheeky little brat dodge my attack? Clang it!
Morgana: This is our chance! Wind punch!
Scrapeternum: I can't... believe I lost... Glory to Zylam! ...clang...
Morgana: Oh yeah! A big win!
Morgana: Hey, we're back in the laboratory.
Osagiri: The simulation is complete. Now you know what fighting an Aberrant is like.
Osagiri: From now on, you will be known as Gray Pigeon.
Osagiri: Continue your training by going on solo missions. You will meet the Feathermen only when you gain sufficient strength.
Osagiri: You could become the sixth Featherman... You may even surpass them.
Osagiri: No one would be able to defeat you... No one.
Osagiri: Well, you must be tired. Here, take this nap capsule and get some rest...
Morgana: We're finished training. So what do you think? Can you become a Phoenix Ranger?
Narration: Pigeon lands on Earth... to engage in his first real battle against an Aberrant!
Morgana: I guess we've moved on from Osagiri's space lab. This looks like an urban area on Earth.
Osagiri: Pigeon, can you hear me? This is Osagiri.
Osagiri: From now on, I'll communicate with you through this com device in your helmet. I'll provide you with support from the lab.
Osagiri: I'm getting readings of an Infinibug a bit north of you. Please refer to the data I sent you before you go into battle.
Osagiri: And remember that this is not a simulation, but a real battle. Failure is not an option.
Osagiri: As I said before, you will act alone until you are sufficiently capable. Your value is being tested as you put your life on the line.
Morgana: Sending a trainee into battle against a real enemy? Man, Osagiri isn't just tough, she's reckless...
Aberrant: Brrring! I can sense a connection...!
Morgana: What the-- Is that a walking phone booth?
Aberrant: I hearrr humans communicating!
Aberrant: I'm going to rrrandomly rrreconnect the ends to confuse everrrybody!
Osagiri: Target located. Pigeon, you must exterminate it. May this fight contribute to your growth.
Aberrant: Who are you? Why are you drrressed like a Featherman!? You'd betterrr stay out of my way!
Aberrant: I am Phoneternum! Hear me rrring! In the name of Zylam, I will defeat you!
Morgana: Here it comes! Get your controller ready!
Phoneternum: Brrring! Taste my Rrradio Wave Beam!
Morgana: Yeah! Nice dodge!
Phoneternum: Impossible! You managed to dodge my attack... You're no ordinary human!
Phoneternum: How about this? Coily Corrdr!
Morgana: This is bad. Pigeon's caught in the cord and can't move!
Phoneternum: Hya ha ha ha! What a marrrvelous view!
Phoneternum: Now you have no chance of dodging my Rrradio Wave Beam!
Phoneternum: Here we go! Rrrring! Rrradio Wave Beam!
Morgana: Cut the cord, quick! We have to escape!
Morgana: Good! We escaped the cord and dodged the beam!
Phoneternum: Wh-Whaaat!? How did you do that!?
Osagiri: Pigeon, now's your chance! Your opponent's guard is down!
Morgana: Now, let's finish this off! Aerial Slash!
Phoneternum: Gah! H-How do you know... my weak spots...? Wait! You'rrre not...!
Phoneternum: Grrr... Glorrry to Zylam!
Morgana: All right! We beat Phoneternum!
Morgana: But I wonder what he was trying to say...
Osagiri: That was impressive, Pigeon. But it seems you've not fully awakened yet. There is power within you that still lies dormant...
Osagiri: You should try to learn to access that power. It will prove to be of great benefit to you.
...part three's gonna have to wait because the SCHOOL TRIP IS NEXT AND I MISTIMED EVERYTHING
OKAY, HAWAII AND HARU ARE OVER. IT'S ONLY FEATHERMAN NOW...after I replay the first two stages because I didn't save since my knowledge was already at max
Narration: Fighting battle after battle, Pigeon only grows stronger. He dives head first into a confrontation with the next Aberrant...
Osagiri: Osagiri here. I'm getting readings of an Infinibug from inside that factory. I'll send you the data just like last time.
Osagiri: By the way, this battle marks the end of your training. You'll graduate from trainee status... If you survive, that is.
Morgana: This is where we show them what Pigeon is all about. Let's win this battle and graduate from trainee status!
Aberrant: Bzzz! How did you discover our human bloodmeal manufacturing plat!?
Aberrant: Only the officers are suppozzzed to know about this place!
Morgana: Over there! That must be our enemy!
Aberrant: Mosquiternum is the name. And you muzzzt be the rumored Infinibug hunter!
Morgana: Her it comes! Get your controller ready!
Mosquiternum: You're not getting outta here alive! Bloodzzzucker Needle!
Morgana: Let's take him on! Feathernix Saber!
Mosquiternum: Bzz! You saw my needle coming! It's like you already knew my moves...
Mosquiternum: Bzz... Bzzz... Glory to Zzzylam! Bzz...
Morgana: All right! We beat Mosquiternum!
Morgana: But this guy said something weird before he died, just like the last one...
Osagiri: You've done well. Very well, indeed... Let's meet up in front of the factory.
Morgana: Osagiri's coming to see us in person? You think she's going to give us a trainee graduation gift by hand?
Osagiri: Well done, Pigeon. You've come a long way. You can meet with the Feathermen...
Osagiri: ...if you can defeat me, that is. I want to see the results of your training with my own eyes.
Morgana: I guess this is our graduation exam. In which case... we have to win!
Osagiri: And no holding back. Come at me with intent to kill. It's the only way I can measure your true skills.
Morgana: Is she serious...? Well, I guess we don't have time for questions! Blaster Shot!
Osagiri: Ngh...! Nice... shot. Hehe... You've exceeded my expectations. I accept my defeat.
Morgana: Yes! Pigeon wins!
Osagiri: Amazing... Simply incredible! You've turned out exactly as I hoped you would!
???: This is where we're getting readings of the Infinibug!
Morgana: Who is that? Wait... I see five silhouettes...
Red Eagle: Here we are! The Feathermen have arrived!
Blue Swan: But what's going on? I don't see any Aberrants...
Yellow Owl: What about that gray one there?
Pink Argus: But that looks like a Featherman...
Black Falcon: It can't be... The Infinibug readings are coming from that Featherman!
Morgana: Whoa, it's the Feathermen!
Morgana: But something about this feels off...
Osagiri: Do you hear them, Pigeon? They think you're the Aberrant. Are you really just going to sit there and let them kill you...?
Red Eagle: Are you a Phoenix Ranger? Explain yourself!
Morgana: This is getting weird... but the game isn't giving us a choice.
Red Eagle: Hm... So you're going to fight? You don't seem like an Aberrant to me...
Red Eagle: But if you're challenging us, we will not falter! Let's go! Feather Phoenix!
Morgana: Let's fight with this! Flame Bazooka!
Red Eagle: Urgh... Such power! How could we be defeated?
Osagiri: Hehehehe... Ahahaha! The experiment has been a success!
Osagiri?: Everything has gone according to plan... Now the executive seat is mine!
Morgana: Executive seat? What is she talking about...?
Red Eagle: Gr... Just who are you!?
Osagiri?: I am Alya, one of Zylam's officers. There was never an Osagiri.
Alya: Your Phoenix Ranger 'training' was only a cover. This was an experiment to create an Aberrant who could fight the Feathermen.
Alya: Pigeon, you are an Aberrant, created by infesting a human with parasitic Infinibugs, then irradiating it with Feathernix Waves.
Alya: I only made you fight those Aberrants in order to make you strong enough to defeat the Feathermen.
Morgana: I knew something was off, but I wasn't expecting a twist like that...
Alya: Now, Gray Pigeon! Finish off the Feathermen once and for all, and let us claim victory!
Red Eagle: Gray Pigeon, listen to me! We understand... You may be an Aberrant, but you are not evil. There is justice in your heart!
Alya: What are you waiting for, Pigeon? Destroy them, now!
Narration: It was then that Pigeon's heart screamed out for justice... Alya was his true enemy!
Morgana: Whoa! Pigeon's facing Alya now!
Alya: I suppose the experiment was a failure.... Looks like I'll just have to fix you! Take this! Skull Rod!
Morgana: We've got to take down Alya! Feather Phoenix!
Alya: Ugh... Do you dare defy your creator, foolish Aberrant? Fine... I won't try to fix you. I'll just dispose of you instead!
Morgana: Did you see that? She just pressed some kind of switch!
Alya: Hehe, I've activated the time bomb I had implanted inside you. Soon, you and the entire planet will be blown to smithereens!
Alya: I've gathered all the data I need, so you're no longer of any use to me. I'll just be sure to make my next Aberrant more obedient.
Morgana: Man, she fights dirty... Isn't there anything we can do?
Narration: Doom was almost certain... But the justice in Pigeon's heart was not ready to give up!
Alya: I should be going... Hm?
Morgana: Hey, something's happening to Pigeon!
Alya: What...? This energy emanating from you... Is this your full awakening!?
Narration: The time has come! Awaken your dormant powers, Gray Pigeon!
Morgana: O-Okay! Let's awaken Pigeon's powers!
Alya: Wha!? Are we... in my space lab...?
Alya: I see... That was Feather Dimension, the ability to transport someone to another dimension.
Morgana: I get it! You can let the bomb blow up with just the two of you here... Impressive move, Pigeon.
Alya: Hm. Your performance far exceeded my expectations. I must accept defeat...
Alya: I had assumed there were no humans left with a sense of justice. That was why I chose a human as a base material to create you...
Alya: But it would seem that things never go as planned when it matters the most...
Morgana: It's over. So Pigeon's sacrifice saved gthe Feathermen... No, it saved Earth.
Narration: Meanwhile, back on Earth...
Red Eagle: He showed incredible courage in his final moments. He could have joined us in our fight...
Red Eagle: Thank you, Gray Pigeon. The justice in your heart saved us in the end. We will never forget your name...
Morgana: You completed Featherman Seeker. Pigeon became a Pheonix Ranger after all, didn't he...?
as an aside, I tried to activate Third Eye in Animal Crossing tonight because of how much P5R I've been playing... My brain thought it would make looking for clams easier...
you've done your best today