4 years ago
I feel like some of you could use some of this today: Listen As 'Avengers: Endgame' Crowd Reacts To Iconic... When I saw it with friends on opening night we were SCREAMING. I really look forward to going to the movies again. 😭
4 years ago
That one guy that you can hear screaming OH MY GOD WOO HOO HOOOO over and over? Basically me at our opening night session. I talked with a rasp for a day and a half.
4 years ago
I was telling someone not 8 hours ago that it's movies I miss the most. 😭
4 years ago
We live in some bizarre times. I hope you’re doing well!
4 years ago
Clawing at the walls, nbd. 😁 Been following Larry's new role as supervisor on your FB.
Le Pumpkin
4 years ago
I was just thinking yesterday about how much I miss going to the movies.