4 years ago
[work] oh my fucking god I'm taking over stock & deliverables on a project for a coworker and I legit do not understand how the fuck she was working
latest #10
4 years ago
like. I know she's not an AP and was doing her best
4 years ago
but I'm like "how the fuck do I move forward with some of this shit?"
4 years ago
I wish they would stop giving her or she would stop asking for/accepting post production AP jobs to do on top of her actual job
4 years ago
because this is the second post AP project she's taken on that's become too much for her to handle and then gets passed off to me
accept ur limits
and respect puppychan's!
4 years ago
There just needs to be a better way to give her an opportunity to switch her career track
4 years ago
‘Cause I don’t think she’s picking up the skills she needs to in order to advance to a different job, which I’m pretty sure is her Gil
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