My wife, researching French terms of endearment: Ooooooh, so while 'ma petite' literally means 'my little,' the actual meaning is more like 'honey.'
latest #34
Me, immediately picturing Anita Blake's reaction to Jean-Claude calling her 'honey':
Spooky Thoughts
4 years ago
I cannot with this mental image
Flash Bastard
4 years ago
tackles you hi it's been a minute
she’s lucky she doesn’t speak French that’s what it comes down to basically. though tbh it IS an endearment!!! she can’t be too shocked!!!!
haha, is she lucky, or is Jean-Claude lucky? XD
4 years ago
(actually idk if you were around when I changed my plurk name but it's still Kelly, who plays too many Doctors, among other characters)
HI! I'm sorry I've been away, life is Bad, ffff, but this demanded to be shared
just in case you're like. who is this? /squints (LOL)
I don't think I was around, no, but is good to know! <3
punts life off a cliff. it seriously needs to stop sucking
I'm glad you're still around, at least! <3
JC is most definitely lucky himself yes.... (ninja)
I can always be pinged, plurk is still linked to my email, it's just. hard to keep up with anything anymore
my wife is also still active on here, if you know them, Gyhldeptis
4 years ago
Thx everybody!
4 years ago
XD Hi not through the wife!
4 years ago
oh! I don't know if you've been following Doctor Who lately, but Jack showed up in the most recent season!
I am behind on the current season, but I can't wait to see, I'm so looking forward to seeing him again!
I adore Thirteen so much, omg, I never thought I've love another Doctor like I love Nine, but OMG
4 years ago
Thirteen is great
papermint tiger
4 years ago
Omg it's you
It is! I live and breathe and even miraculously plurk! XD
GW Wolf
4 years ago
GW Wolf
4 years ago
yay, it's a you!
Also, hi, stranger!
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