4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
IMPORTANT MOD ANNOUNCEMENT, concerning the future of the mod team and the game as a whole.
latest #19
4 years ago
please give it a read over!
4 years ago
Thank you very much for your efforts.
please don't hesitate to reach out to trace or pia even if you just wanna ask questions about this!
honestly we REALLY hope this works out, because asgard has so much potential in the hands of someone who actually digs fantasy enough to help it blossom!
hoes' goldₒ
4 years ago
fingers crossed!
hoes' goldₒ
4 years ago
thank you very much for your efforts, mods
4 years ago
Yeah, fingers crossed that someone is able to step in. I would but I already have a full schedule and an odd timezone to boot as it is. Alas. As much as I love Asgard and was thrilled to see it come back.
eeby deeby
4 years ago
you'll never be rid of me and the skele
IMPORTANT UPDATE! Two volunteers have stepped up to the plate, and Asgard will live on.
eeby deeby
4 years ago
I'm happy to help too somehow if i can
Toasty Mallow
4 years ago
Pardon the brief delay in mod functions these last couple of days, I'll be back on those tonight now that that whole mess has been solved. :')
4 years ago
no worries
4 years ago
ith everything going on this has not been a good month for a lot of people
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