4 years ago
So many of my friends and their loved ones are getting laid off or furloughed right now. I wish that I could help but my partner is furloughed as well so now I’m supporting two. Things are going to get VERY tight. I am working so hard to be the calm one for both of us, but inside I’m absolutely freaking out.
Le Pumpkin
4 years ago
I’m so sorry to hear that, Evie! Being down to one income can be extremely stressful, so please keep up your spirits and take care of your mental well-being. Hopefully the furlough won’t be too long :-(
4 years ago
Just a hug for you. Feeling vulnerable is so awful and the freaking out is understandable. Hopefully, like PumpkinSaenz says, it will be a brief period of uncertainty and then things will balance back out and people will have their incomes back. Come and talk here if you need to.