that inflation really sucks and soon paper currency will be worth nothing...what do you think?
latest #15
it sucks that the american dollar is so weak . the europe trip is really expensive this year partly because the euro is so much stronger
we are so high in debt as a country
yeaa, in some 3rd world countries, inflation is really bad and they use paper money to make fires to stay warm
That's what I told him Luke. He thinks that inflation is always bad.
inflation isn't always bad but hyper inflation is bad
right like in zimbabwe right now.....theyre canceling 0's of money so bread costs 100 rather than a mil
lol That's crazy. Sounds like the Mark pre Weimer Republic.
I say we should all exchange small rocks and bits of string as currency
yea's kinda scary but to a point inflation is helpful just not when it goes up to fast
i don't really pay attention haah
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