Desertnut says
15 years ago
Got my exercise for today by going to the Street Fair!
latest #18
Desertnut says
15 years ago
It was so crowded and busy there I had to walk several blocks from my car to get there!
15 years ago
wow! find any treasures?
Desertnut says
15 years ago
Bought Pumpkin a travel water dish and two cute harnesses.
Desertnut says
15 years ago
I also bought myself a $5,000 watch I got on sale for $10 (LOL)
15 years ago
Trick or Zoiks
15 years ago
they still sell watches? :-D Glad you had a good day, street fairs rock!
bikeman says
15 years ago
sounds like a fun day all around :-)
Desertnut shares
15 years ago
It was fun! I just had Pumpkin try on his new harness:
Trick or Zoiks
15 years ago
Desertnut shares
15 years ago
I thought it was adorable too, Zolks!
Desertnut shares
15 years ago
I mainly bought it for him to wear it in his car seat.
Love2Teach says
15 years ago
ohhhh.... so cute
Desertnut shares
15 years ago
He loves going for rides in the car. We are planning a trip up Northern California the end of this month.
Ethans_Mommy says
15 years ago
what a fun way to get ur exercise done
15 years ago
harness is perfect! and I want that watch!
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