4 years ago
Suuuuuper tired of catching colds every month.
latest #6
4 years ago
I donate plasma for extra money. Feeling even remotely unwell scares the crap out of me.
4 years ago
I felt kind of unwell for most of the day, and I only thought I might have an elevated temperature by the time I parked at the plasma center. It was 99.2, 0.2 degrees from the the 1 day deferral cutoff.
4 years ago
Like, my face hurts and I have a headache, so it's just a sinus cold, but I really don't feel like going to work, and I can't afford not to. I don't get PTO as a contractor, and the budget is too tight.
4 years ago
Urgh, I feel like my inevitable contraction of COVID-19 is going to have some really bad consequences.
That TC Guy
4 years ago
Hope you feel better and also hope you do not get the COVID
4 years ago
hope you feel better soon
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