we need to google hangouts or some shit
Horrid was asking about you
I am still alive. And shit Maber, hit me up. I'm on hangouts.
It's probably the best way to reach me
Horrid and Putrid can too if they want
get discord or something. live in the now
hangouts are from the 80s
it's a gmail app you luddite
it's an instant messenger!
and you can even do video on it
it's like google's whatsapp
Munch isn't any fun
Munch is getting old, lol
I have no idea what you are talking about.
I mean, I like don't remember a time without starbucks and I've never used a rotary phone. really, a time without the internet? don't remember
I NEVER EXPERIENCED THAT. That's what I meant. Not that I'm so old I don't remember.
Darling, I love you, but we are both older than the INTERNET.
my kids are 20 and 18, D will be 21 in may
you can't have a kid that is old enough to legally drink soon
you guys derailed my sadness plurk, fuck
I'm such a bitch for not making you sadder.
I've had a lot of caffeine this morning
You are definitely frisky
and sugar, because I've had to stop drinking coffee because I'M OLD and coffee makes me sick now. and black tea without sugar is stupid.
I should stop drinking coffee too but they can have my espresso when they pry it from my corpse
I still have a latte every now and then. it was stop or feel like I had morning sickness for 3 hours after drinking coffee. it's my youngest's fault because I got a stomach hernia while pregnant with her. ironically she's not a morning person.
Are any children morning people?
my oldest is, she's been a morning person since she was a small infant
when she was a baby she was like "Hello, it's 5am, I love life!" and now she is like "Hello, it's 7am and even tho I don't have to be up for another 40 minutes, I'd like to have a really long conversation about how stupid middle school boys are."
neither of my kids are, but my son wakes and falls asleep very easily, curse his giant head
I envy that, it's a special gift to do both of those easily.
He certainly doesn't get it from me
I am trying to buy sushi rice if you all dont mind
Why would you buy sushi rice, it's not that hard to make
I am buying the dried rice
I apologize. I have become a total recluse.