2020 Vision
4 years ago
[meme] https://images.plurk.com/1Ipbzy3hW1rCPZuD9AQw84.png https://images.plurk.com/3bYlptKtjBeYFpYe94SSEM.png https://images.plurk.com/2h3EhBqESSBH7VdnLLfq02.jpg https://images.plurk.com/WlrjtxNI2Z9ambWCQH14L.png Here’s four Pokemon. Three I love, one I don’t. Choose the odd one out.
latest #6
es un elote
4 years ago
2020 Vision
4 years ago
NERP maybe it’s selling out but I love the blue boy
es un elote
4 years ago
AH. Hm. Alomamola?
4 years ago
The squirrel
2020 Vision
4 years ago
2020 Vision
4 years ago
I legit said “ITS SOOOO CUUUUTE” out loud when I first saw Pachirisu in Pearl, and I feel hard for Porygon since it got jipped out the anime due to unfortunate circumstances, but the fish is a manipulative little brat who made a lot of people think it was a Luvdisc evolution when back when and I’ll never get over that
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