patrickmadrid says
15 years ago
Did you hear the audio clip of the precocious 11 year old who called in to my Open line radio show to ask if there'll be Internet in heaven?
latest #7
patrickmadrid says
15 years ago
You can listen here: patrickmadrid.blogspot.c...
15 years ago
I did not get a chance to listen before so glad you posted. Out of the mouths of babes...
Jjoy says
15 years ago
he wasn't old enough to ask about coffee in heaven :-P
Advent Spark
15 years ago
yes, i did it was cute
Migly says
15 years ago
yes...I don't think he liked your answer! (LOL). I'm sure he'll figure things out though.
say, Grace#🟦 says
15 years ago
yea, it was great, especially his reaction when you said there would be no computers!
cceerpp thinks
15 years ago
That sounds very interesting.
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