5 years ago
Leslie has been taught that St. Valentine's Day is about friendship, so she is at the Festival of Love, with some special treats for CR.
latest #56
5 years ago
I thought that she was going to give up after being unsuccessful with Akko's teaching, but seeing Tataru talk about offering cooking services, Leslie realized: wait I can ask someone else.
Fiend Matador
5 years ago
what is he supposed to do with these though
wheezes akko is going to feel so bad she got so disheartened
5 years ago
So she's got chocolate muffins to give to people she's friendly with (basically anyone she's tagged because no one has been mean). If you want the choco muffins but aren't interested in any of the prompts, you can just let me know and we'll assume it happened somewhere.
5 years ago
gsdragono: Eat them! They're delicious!!! (Leslie has not learned that some people don't like sweets.)
5 years ago
rebreather: Sorry Akko. Leslie is a difficult student since she doesn't know the first thing about cooking.
5 years ago
But she is still very glad that Akko told her about this!
akko is a terrible teacher, so i mean
5 years ago
Those alchemy grades....
5 years ago
Leslie would have bounced back even if she hadn't asked Bernie for help, anyway. She was just disappointed for an evening.
5 years ago
she will deffo get some of akko's ugly ass chocos tho
Fiend Matador
5 years ago
oh my fucking god
Fiend Matador
5 years ago
what is that screenshot from
5 years ago
Even though Leslie didn't think any of her own chocolates were good enough to give anyone else, she will absolutely eat Akko's ugly chocolates.
5 years ago
She's had worse.
they are still tasty, just hideous
5 years ago
gsdragono: There was a tumblr post. I think there's a LWA game for Playstation or something.
5 years ago
The person I got this from doesn't tag anything so I don't know if I can find the post.
Fiend Matador
5 years ago
Well at least the game is honest
5 years ago
(Also I probably won't be able to get many tags out after this, as I spent part of the evening with friends and then writing this post, so I'll be going to bed soon. But tomorrow (points at eyes, points at inbox).
asuka brain
5 years ago
5 years ago
If only Hubert's double-chocolate muffins could be forwarded to Saber, who would actually want to eat them.
asuka brain
5 years ago
probably gonna throw a tag your way tomorrow when I'm more awake so hey
5 years ago
5 years ago
dragoon1940: Hooray! I will look forward to it.
5 years ago
I'll also get ya tomorrow. I'm contemplating bed time right now
5 years ago
but Leslie is forever adorable
5 years ago
I'm glad that you approve. But yeah, by the time I wrote up this tag it has gotten quite late, so we will all be best served by bed.
5 years ago
gsdragono: I laughed at the trouble that Hubert has gotten himself into by looking like a villain too close to a kid.
Fiend Matador
5 years ago
Sometimes, steering into the skid has drawbacks
5 years ago
LMAO. He's not specced for domestic life.
Fiend Matador
5 years ago
You have no idea
Fiend Matador
5 years ago
Each time he's been hugged in Aef so far he's frozen up haha
5 years ago
We'll teach you how to have soft feelings yet, Hubert.
5 years ago
Like, if you're still here in nine years.
Fiend Matador
5 years ago
5 years ago
LMAO it's him.
5 years ago
5 years ago
Oh no, that’s such a cute emote.
5 years ago
....oh my gosh the other small child who showed up this app cycle is on the list of people going on the Cwyld mission, LMAO. I was right when I joked that Nana is the chaos child to Leslie’s law child.
5 years ago
If Leslie knew she would be very concerned, though I don’t know how much contact she’d have with her since I don’t know the player and we’re early in threading.
asuka brain
5 years ago
5 years ago
She knows that Nana travels regularly, but she’s already uncertain enough about people who just arrived a little over two weeks ago going on such a trip when people’s powers get stripped from them, let alone a fellow child pre-adult young lady.
5 years ago
Intercession sorry Edelgard Leslie may have ruined the coat you got for her because she used it to try to stop Mikasa bleeding due to full moon changes so Leslie came back on the 9th carrying her coat that has a bunch of blood and assorted fae goop on it.
5 years ago
Granted, if there's a household that knows how to get bloodstains out of clothes, it's this one.
5 years ago
So it might be salvageable.
5 years ago
oh no!
5 years ago
El would...will fuss over her for a bit but it's definitely getting cleaned
5 years ago
Leslie would probably initially misinterpret El’s reaction and apologize for the state of the coat and launch into an explanation, but I’m sure that Edie is not going to put up with this nonsense of Leslie thinking first about the coat.
5 years ago
Not at all, her first concern will be who's blood. gross
5 years ago
Luckily, it's neither Leslie's blood nor someone who tried to attack her, so no vigilante justice will be required.
5 years ago
Re-skims through Soren’s network post to see if he mentioned handshakes so I can know if Leslie could reference secret handshakes in a thread. (I’ve got other ways to do the tag, though I’m sure she’ll learn eventually being around him.)
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