Monica says
5 years ago
Upcoming Bloggers Meetup at The Fashion Loft!
latest #6
Gogo ♔ says
5 years ago
i dont get who this meet up is for
Gogo ♔ says
5 years ago
bloggers or designers
5 years ago
was that the one that said it's about what to do about bloggers who don't follow the rules?
5 years ago
gogolita: It's for all three. On the RSVP form it has an option to put whether you are a blogger, designer, or bogger manager.
5 years ago
Gidge: We just started promoting this event today, so probably not. Our meetups are more about discussing topics of interest rather than telling people what to do. Both management and bloggers have their own views on how bloggers follow instructions, so this is a chance for everyone to get together.
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