5 years ago
Is anyone know this legacy body error Stack-Heap Collision? i have no idea why it keeps giving me error lol
latest #7
5 years ago
It's a common issue with HUDS for Legacy that have a lot of options
5 years ago
Darn it, sorry I can't remember when that happened to me last with the Legacy.
5 years ago
If you are having it on the body regardless of what hud you are using, then the fix will be to unpack an entirely new body and use it. Those memory stack-heap problems tend to get saved on server side from what I understand and usually a fresh copy of the mesh solves it. I've run into it while testing appliers and a fresh copy of the body resolved it.
5 years ago
the script is running out of memory. unpacking a new one "fixes" it because it starts from scratch- so it'll have to do the same(ish) number of things to crash it again.
5 years ago
ossiaxevion: yes i give up xD
5 years ago
nefekalum: i tried that multiple times unpack the new one and try with new one always come up same script error so i give up for now x-x
5 years ago
Allegory: exactly b/c when i tried it and use it new body it always giving me the same error again and again so i give up for now :/ it sucks i love the body but i can't use it.
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