almost clueless
4 years ago
So I got "in trouble" at work for working too much and running up overtime.
latest #16
almost clueless
4 years ago
I've "lost my phone privileges" for answering phone calls from doctors with questions and such.
almost clueless
4 years ago
Because I'll spend all day researching/answering/sending Email to them to clarify.
almost clueless
4 years ago
whimper But they're always so grateful!
almost clueless
4 years ago
And it's, you know, fundamentally part of our collective job!
almost clueless
4 years ago
Then I spend all evening catching up on the mundane stuff, and getting all the "too late, wait for tomorrow" requests done that same day.
almost clueless
4 years ago
Too long have I been a student, working only to learn and paying for the privilege.
almost clueless
4 years ago
Now I'm on someone else's dime. x.x
almost clueless
4 years ago
I am compelled by external forces to have more of a life.
4 years ago
a novel concept
almost clueless
4 years ago
Unfortunately, "More of a life" means trying to catch up on household paperwork and errands and neglected chores.
almost clueless
4 years ago
If I ever catch up on THAT...
4 years ago
Considering what I remember of what you do around the house ha ha....
almost clueless
4 years ago
Well, the kid is a high school senior, he can safely be ignored for days at a time now.
almost clueless
4 years ago
As long as I keep tabs on the "this is how you adult, wow you don't know ANYTHING, and you hate it when people tell you what to do..."
almost clueless
4 years ago
Long have I referred to myself as "Household Manager." I'm just happy for all the things I don't have to worry about.
almost clueless
4 years ago
Like caring for small children and aging relatives in poor health.
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