5 years ago
Hi everyone! Faith here; I just wanted to reassure you all that events and other things are being worked on and should hopefully be released soon. Between the move, the holidays, job hunting, and other various personal Life Things, I'm lagging behind but I will do my best to have everything done sooner than later.
latest #9
5 years ago
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, and thank you for your patience!
5 years ago
it's all good do what you can!
It's all good, no worries ♥ The holidays are busy days, plus you had all that RL extra stuff to do
5 years ago
thank you all ;; (heart_beat)
Toasty Mallow
5 years ago
5 years ago
Aw. It’s fine. I appreciate your hard work! Thanks for keeping us updated.
deus auri
5 years ago
take the time you need, it's okay
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