5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
[fe3h] so this game occasionally eats chunks of my time and I love it, but so far my favorite is hubert because his story seems to be 'let's see how long I can roleplay the transparently evil teammate who will betray you all before somebody says something'
latest #13
Clown State
5 years ago
Lmao oh god
Clown State
5 years ago
He’s a good boy okay! Just... very dedicated to his lady (and his aesthetic)
5 years ago
Hubert is the physical embodiment of every second you've deeply related to "Vampires Will Never Hurt You" by My Chemical Romance
Pen Again
5 years ago
someday maybe I'll play this game
5 years ago
he's a very good boy who likes laughing evilly to himself and seeing who comments i love it
5 years ago
I'd say I have a type but usually I like actual monsters who have woobie dreams at night
5 years ago
penbee it's so addictive there are a million characters and I love them all?
Pen Again
5 years ago
it's very cute! I've seen dreamcager play it a few times. I can't remember even half the children or their names, but I think I like the gal who is learning the language?
5 years ago
Petra, she's a sweetheart.
5 years ago
Edelgard's whole team is pretty great though Bernadetta needs therapy but they kind of all do
Pen Again
5 years ago
I assume Bernadetta is the one who never comes out of her room?
5 years ago
black eagles is best house and route
5 years ago
followed closely by golden deer admittedly
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