5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago Every morning, every night the devastation - and following acts of kindness make me tear up - a comparison of the bushfire damage in 2019 to show the scale of Australia's current fires
latest #10
5 years ago
it's really bad. here's a pic from New Zealand
5 years ago
5 years ago
I am so sorry for you all
5 years ago
It's heartbreaking. I've been in tears so many times seeing the terrible pictures. On a FB post of a koala in a town garden being given water, there were dozens of comments from others in towns relating their tales of wildlife being driven into it urban areas to escape the flames, and all these wonderful people were putting out buckets and bowls of water,
5 years ago
even saucers with stones in for insects.
5 years ago
I've just seen a guy on FB claiming that it has all been grossly exaggerated by the media and that nowhere near 500million animals have died. Several people were arguing with him and I was going to wade in, but realised I'd be wasting my time because his head is so far up his own arse that all he can see is shit. (angry)
kesseret says
5 years ago
PurplePennyBroome: he must be smoking something becuase if another COUNTRY can see the effects of the fire then it's HUGE
kesseret says
5 years ago
i honestly didnt understand the gravity until my friend posted that pic
5 years ago
Whatever the numbers of animals - the devastation to land, people's business and lives is huge. Australia has relatively clean air compared to some places and our cities have been full of smoke and smog, not for a day or two like inthe past, but for weeks. It brings me to tears.
5 years ago
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