5 years ago
latest #9
Beyoncé Enjoyer
5 years ago
new phone who dis
Cristiano says
5 years ago
XiomaraMendes: hey stranger, how have you been?
Beyoncé Enjoyer
5 years ago
i'm good, how have you been?
Cristiano says
5 years ago
I'm doing well. I somehow managed to get sucked back into SL and I'm really enjoying it, which shocked the hell out of me
Beyoncé Enjoyer
5 years ago
I still haven't got sucked back in amazingly enough
Beyoncé Enjoyer
5 years ago
I don't wanna learn mesh
Hiya sweetie (cozy) (K)
We've missed you!
Sean Gorham
5 years ago
XiomaraMendes: We'll get you back up to speed in notime!
Sean Gorham
5 years ago
If Cris can do it, anybody can do it! :-P
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