5 years ago
how has this whole week been so BUSY
latest #7
5 years ago
I mean holidays but
5 years ago
thank something that I'm off every day but monday next week for pto and I can just dig in and also I'm probably moving out of my parents' stupid too-small place soon
5 years ago
I will stop proclaiming these things bc inevitably my plans turn into something different but srsly all but one day off until the 6th I will be around way more often and hopefully with some energy to spare for once
Pen Again
5 years ago
/hugs. I hope you do get to move if you'd like to!
Pen Again
5 years ago
kick back and relax
5 years ago
I very much would lol it'd solve the noise and privacy problems a lot
5 years ago
and thanks I hope you get the chance too
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