4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
Disappointing atm, so friend of mine who is designer in sl. she sells clothing at the event and she accidentally put black color in the DEMO instead actual DEMO item and 62-65 people bought the DEMO in 10min after setting and no one tells her about the problem. she had to find out own b/c she felt weird that people bought DEMO so crazy in 10min
latest #26
4 years ago
nobody buys the actual product but the demo selling so crazy, thats how she found out.
4 years ago
I mean its her fault but like its crazy 62 people bought but no one tell her about it lol
4 years ago
and for sure some of people probably bring their friends and told them to buy DEMO b/c free stuff. its so sad.
4 years ago
she is so discouraged rn it makes me sad too.
reminds me of an IM i got that a gacha of mine has a combined item in it that is all of the gacha items.. i got that IM 5 months after the event that machine was in and i had it there and in my store the whole time
4 years ago
chandnikhondji: its sucks really, i mean i get it, its owner's fault and understand they are buy it but at least say something to designer so can fix it you know :'3
yep i agree
4 years ago
Human nature is inherent towards getting something for nothing unfortunately. It takes a much better person to be able to let the designer know. These better people are few and far between, adding in the odds of them using the machine itself!
4 years ago
anubisdarkwatch: yeah i get it but its upsetting to me, its not even few but like 60+ people lol my friend won't upset to who bought the DEMO b/c its her fault but damn one single person doesn't tell her about the problem, says a lot :')
Le Pumpkin
4 years ago
I’d feel bad. I would’ve IMed her. That’s sucky of those people to be like “Hey free stuff!”
4 years ago
PumpkinSaenz: yeah same, she wouldn't be so discouraged if at least one single person telling her the problem.
I have I'Md more than one designer when something like this happened, and they always were so happy I let them know. I hope someone would do it for me, too! Makes me sad that people seem to think its ok to tell their friends
4 years ago
People sucks :-(
Le Pumpkin
4 years ago
People think all SL designers rake in a ton of money and that’s not the case, so for people to take advantage of an oversight says a lot about their moral compass
4 years ago
People are assholes.
4 years ago
I always report broken stuff asap.
4 years ago
(yeah, I am an asshole to assholes, sorry)
4 years ago
Absolutely been there before, I feel the pain.
4 years ago
I used to send demos to my VIP group back when I did menswear and accidentally sent the product as a demo
4 years ago
4 years ago
Sisch: yeah i always do let designers know when i found things seems wrong. i hope the same as well as designer. its really sucks they are just like 'hey its free stuff come n get it', hope its not the case but in 10 min 60+ people tells me something.
4 years ago
_Abby_: sometimes it does :<
4 years ago
PumpkinSaenz: she working on that clothing over 3 days really hard, so i know how she feels like. she is not like major brand, however she is trying very hard always been so it makes me more sad.
4 years ago
Tillie: people can be sometimes, and i do always report broken stuff asap too. hope people do that more.
4 years ago
DamienFate: ugh i feel you same. mistake can be made but if nobody cares the problem and didn't let you know but only cares free stuff that it is your hard work. it absolutely sucks.
4 years ago
LADYBLANCE: yes same lol
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