Rhea: Meting out punishment for those who go against the church is one of our sacred duties. I hope that, as a member of the church yourself, you can appreciate that.
Ingrid: If you don't act slightly more responsibly, Sylvain, I am going to keep shaming you in public.
Also I feel like an Ashe and Annette support is going to be pure.
Anything with Ashe is pretty much pure
ps, it doesn't say he hit on a scarecrow in jp
Thank you, EN localization team.
If it's expressed as being a good thing, then I agree. I just was expecting it to be responded to with the same "a tragic mistake" response the scarecrow got.
Ferdinand talking to Mercedes: The nobility has lost its way! So few nobles come to pray!
Edelgard: (vibrates)
I think it was a “haha he hit on a guy by mistake” joke in Japanese so yeah it was a good change.
Good job on sniffing out the plot, Dimitri. It made sense that Plots Are Everywhere Edelgard/Hubert to suspect it, but I wasn't sure if Dimitri would pick up on it or if someone else would have to suggest it.
he's a smart boy...! he's just also so guileless and wants to believe things aren't bad even if he kinda knows they are
The guileless was what made me surprised, but then again, I suppose "I have a secret assassination plot that I wrote down and put in my pocket before heading out to battle" is not the most guileful.
(I'd have probably missed it.)
Annette is going to be a one-woman army.
I feel bad for relegating her to being my buffer so I can level weak units, but god her buffs
Tactics and magic and weapons and
She seems to be happy learning how to do anything, really, so she might have been fine.
I was joking to myself that I relate to Mercedes too much based on having trouble keeping track of things, even if I'm not as bad as to walk out without checking what clothes I have (I say despite walking out without checking the weather and freezing), but then next is Annette's C support where she says Mercie never leaves her room on days off.....
There are worse people to relate to.
(Walking out without checking the weather today, no less.)
Speaking of going out, I planned to get some dishes done before I went on my next grocery run since I will probably have tired out my legs by that point, but I dithered too long and I remember that it gets dark really early now that DST has raised its ugly head, so I'm going on that grocery trip while it's still light out.
Maybe this time I'll wear something before I go out into the (checks) 5°C / 41°F with a windchill.
And I'm back. And very tired so I might not watch for long, but it's good to get going through the Part One that has a lot of overlap.
Though this Blions has more of the talking to people around the academy than part one of the Crimson Flower one did.
Felix isn't required to be Dimitri's therapist, but he suuuuuure isn't doing that.
he isn't required to be his therapist, but I'd argue that he could at least do less harm

u hurt his feelings, felix...
He's really being a jerk.
Which is his right, but wow he's being an asshole to Dimitri.
..Ingrid I did not expect you to suggest that Ignatz shorten the skirt on Saint Seiros's statue to give her a more edgy outfit.
I'm pretty sure that Edelgard would buy the resulting painting of maniacal demigod Seiros, though.
.......wait the western church disappeared from the game in CF after this part, or am I forgetting something.
I wonder if they ever do anything else.
...wow I forgot about the belly button on f Byleth's outfit.
I like to think of Ignatz and Ingrid just kind of looking at each other awkwardly on the second to last map of Crimson Flower if you recruit them
I can never remember about the fanservice in this game.
Ashe: Lady Seiros had them killed, didn't they?
Mercedes: Of course she did! They went against the teachings of Seiros.
Me: Mercie?!
...Lady Rhea, not Lady Seiros
Rhea: I have faith THAT MY MOM IS IN THERE.
Me: Gee, I don't remember the Western Church showing up later.
Seteth: The knights are purging the apostates of the Western Church.
Me: Oh.
OH BOY HE FINISHED RAISING DIMITRI LIKE A FATHER that'll probably never come back.
meanwhile, rodrigue with felix: ah he doesn't like me, guess I'll focus on dimitri
You say that like Rodrigue wouldn't completely adopt Dimitri with or without Felix's behavior being what it is
u rite, but it still irks me how Dimitri can behave TERRIBLY and he doesn't give up with with Felix, Felix mouths off and Rodrigue is like "ok then"
Yeah. My point was more that Rodrigue is so set on his exboyfriend's life and kids that he's put his own family at second place no matter WHAT behavior. Like even felix being nice couldn't save him
Rodrigue: You're like the son I never had, Dimitri.
Felix: coughs
Rodrigue: Oh yes, of course, how could I forget. But Glenn is no longer with us.....
Hilda: It's hard to tell what's going on in that skull of yours.
Byleth, thinking: 
I'm sure Hilda would have used more effective blackmail than not telling people that Byleth was daydreaming if Byleth weren't too boring to blackmail.
Gosh, Dimitri and Flyan are cute together.
Dimitri you're kind of lying when you say it's delicious but you're a good dude.
Don't worry, Lysithea, Felix does not care about anything that doesn't involve training or putting down Dimitri.
"What am I to do with this cake" probably throw it at Dimitri but please don't.
i read "putting down" as like euthanasia
no, that's Edelgard's bit
The Lance of Ruin plotline has a lot more weight with Sylvain here, as well as Annette for Gilbert's assistance.
Dimitri and Flayn are very cute
YEAH I'M GLAD I wanna see how alien Flayn is.
Dimitri: I feel that standing should be decided as a meritocracy, not by things such as crest or race.
Edelgard, Claude: We can't work with this guy.
(Again, I understand how things come to the point of opposition but I love poking fun at them for not cooperating.)
Ingrid has such a hard time with her childhood friends. Sylvain joking, Felix wanting to fight everything......
Sothis: Arundel...that's not a name I know....
Sothis, probably thinking: Then again, I didn't know my own name half a year ago.
Flayn/Dimitri is a good ship
(time for support conversations)
I'm just saying, it might occasionally stand to wait until closer to the actual mission of the moon happens.
not as good as dimimari but idk if they're recruit her
I'm pretty sure based on what happened last time and the choice of playing f Byleth this time that they might be planning to romance Dimitri themself anyway.
I was already primed to like Flayn/Dimitri with the comment about how Dimitri can't pick up on her thirst, but the C support was also good.
Flayn/Dimitri and Flayn/Dedue are both very cute and they all have two hands
Dedue/Flayn/Dimitri/Marianne love pile
Rhea: It reassures me to have you by my side, mom -- uh, haha, I guess we all call a teacher mom one day or another, hahahahaha....
I think Dimitri/Byleth is actually pretty good narratively too. As is Byleth/Dedue.
More OT3s that need to happen.
Yeah he is losing his shit
Dimileth is good in concept/in the game, yeah
but in rp or fanworks... BORING
The game gives Dimileth a story arc to go on to give it direction.
Byleth is generally boring in fanworks honestly
I want good Hubert/Byleth content but it’s all boring domestic shit! Where’s the covert ops couple stuff!!
I feel like Byleth might be a challenge to make interesting when they aren't doing interesting things.
Or maybe leaning super hard into the no emotions, no understanding of the world thing.
I feel like if that's the case people just aren't trying hard enough.
Because Byleth's got shit to do in pretty much every route's endgame
(Wow, Sylvain must really like Byleth at this point that he's calling asking her out for a meal once he's done asking her out for a meal as a favour as "asking a friend to hang out" rather than some flirting.
And that much hard work could easily help define more of who Byleth is and make them not strictly speaking boring
Some people want to play domestic fluff. But Byleth may be an odd choice for it beyond the expansive selection of ships.
Yeah it bugs me that most people don’t make Byleth this weird vaguely sarcastic cryptid
If you take those traits away, like I kept joking in my CF run, they're just an isekai protag without the other world.
The game even suggests Byleth's quite a bit like Jeralt, so you can throw some of that weirdness in with Jeralt's dry wit and unusual charisma, so just like, if nothing else, use that as something to run with
Hanneman: Only a fool would believe I kidnapped Flayn!
Byleth: Are you interested in her crest?
Hanneman: Though her crest is rare, there are others with the crest.
Byleth: So what would you do if you found someone with a truly unique crest?
(I have been trying to find this picture for a while, which is part of my slowdown.)
(I...kind of missed part of the opening to Sylvain's paralogue because I was looking.)
Normally, Bernadetta freaks out over nothing (outside, you know, EXTREME TRAUMA) but with Felix I think I agree.
I hadn't even noticed the resemblance until I posted this and then I laughed at how even more apt it was.
(Oh geez, Annette and Gilbert support, I bet I'm not going to enjoy this.)
Hanneman is just Moriarty’s good twin
Shamir and Dedue’s support is great
Annette: But...but we want to --
Annette: So...if it's foolish, you can fix --
Yep, that's about the size of it
Ah, good, they had all of the house heads disappear in the places Edelgard - WAIT A MOMENT FOR THIS POINT I HAVE TO SCREAM ABOUT MERCIE TELLING ANNIE THAT SHE'LL PROTECT HER IN THE DARK - that Edelgard left to do Flame Emperor stuff.
Even if...Flame Emperor...Edelgard is in red...she's the only one from a country with emperors.........perhaps it doesn't throw people off as much as one might think.
Death Knight you are SUCH AN EDGELORD
Oh wow, Ingrid's Pegasus Knight critical is SO COOL.
counter point: the last flame emperor was an adult when edelgard was like 8 so maybe that helps throw things off track a little
There...was more than one Flame Emperor?
(I'm so good at this canon you guys)

have we not addressed the tragedy of duscur yet
there wasn't another flame emperor that I know of...? just twsitd
Didn't her mom pose as flame emperor during tragedy of duscur and that's why dimitri flipped his shit
if she did I completely missed it
They addressed that there was a tragedy of duscar, but no details.
Hmmmm maybe I misread a wiki and my brain warped the info over time
(Dedue and Felix fall to the death knight so that the prof can come in and take out his last 2 HP from a distance with the chain whip sword.)
Every time Grondr Field comes up I get concerned, even though I haven't encountered it in CF.
They don't bother to explain why Hanneman sits out when Byleth does not from the Battle of Who Cares About The Deer.
bc manuela is sitting out and he wants to just go back to the monastery and do research ok
And I guess he's like "if Byleth also stays back then I can't appreciate the one time that no one is making loud metal sounds in training."
"at least one teacher has to supervise. UR IT NEWBIE"
LMAO okay now that sounds like the world of professors.
I wonder if I will ever come to like Lorenz.
(I say as I watch him refuse to accept Byleth's comments that several female students would like him to leave them alone.)
Are all of Ignatz's supports going to be someone sneaking up on him while he's thinking about art.
Jeralt: I won't go dying on you. I've lived this long.
[Death Flag Set]
Ignatz: Is there nothing you can't do?
Byleth: ........anything happening outside of this school.
Flayn...fish you were pining for.......
LMAO they cut out the entire paralogue. Catherine asks for their help, Byleth chooses to start the paralogue, immediately "Thanks for your help with the investigation. You should head back to the monastery."
"Still, that was a real mess." I...guess????
Flayn and Dedue support, start!
I think Flayn is already ready to marry Dedue in their C support just to get his cooking.
Lorenz is at his actual worst in his support with Byleth, he’s way better in his supports with literally everyone else
Gosh, it must make his S support weird.
RPing Flayn would be so hard. That way of speaking.....
Are all Sylvain's friendships built on the other person yelling at him?
He’s got a very shitty dad who he disapproves of but I think his dad rubbed off on him more than Ferdie’s dad rubbed off on him
And ah Mercie and Annie!! A reward for having stuck through Lorenz's support with Byleth.
Oh no, Annette was trying to be the tough protector and Mercedes is real angry about it.
Dimitri: I feel stronger, like I could conquer a thousand opponents on my own.
Me: Too bad Edelgard has more than a thousand soldiers.
Preparing for a mock battle between the students as a friendly contest
Cutscene Byleth: prepares the Sword of the Creator
Ah, Dimitri just took out Marianne. Rude.
Claude: I must retreat. Everyone, please finish it for me.
Sole injured archer remaining on the field for the Golden Deer surrounded by Blue Lions: sweats
Dimitri: Never expected to cross blades with you.
Edelgard: Well, unless our countries declare war on each other.
Dimitri: What?
Edelgard: What
I found myself surprised that Edelgard actually complimented Dimitri with a rather positive tone, but I'm just too used to reading the post-timeskip versions in garregmach.
Edelgard: If there's ever a next time, know that I plan to wipe that smile from your face. Like if the Empire invades the Kingdom
Byleth: ?
Edelgard: What
"I'll accept a challenge from either of you at any time. Heh, I'm kidding, of course" are you though
Dimitri, your comments on Byleth's smile sounds extremely flirtatious.
I don't remember feeling the same about Edelgard's comments on the smiling, despite her interactions with Byleth post-timeskip has her being EXTREMELY into Byleth.
Edelgard pre-skip: hey you're neat i like you
Edelgard post-skip: i have hit puberty and have thrown you on a pedestal so i thirst
(ofc i'm kidding she already hit puberty before but now she's just been so war focused i bet there's not a lot of time for personal relief)
Her thirst gathered while Byleth was gone and sprang out after five years of build up.
(So your suggestion is that Edelgard's change in reaction is that she hasn't gotten off enough?)
channels all her thirst about other people to someone who is probably dead, that's safe
(I mean. It's about as believable as anything, huh.)
and in contrast, Dimitri immediately post ts:
Byleth comes back
Edelgard: ...I'm overjoyed but also oh no
Oh gosh, the village being experimented on. This is the one that really gets me where they find out about it but don't actually go to deal with it beyond a vague "girls are investigating....." message the whole month.
Jeralt: I'll be in my office making preparations...for like three weeks.
I......actually don't remember what is going on with Byleth suddenly passing out.
................................oh hi uncle arundel I didn't realize I'd get to meet you again this route
I should have known, though, since Azure Moon sounds like it's Edelgard Route Two.
Dimitri post-skip: don’t talk me im angy
yeah, you get to see arundel some in azure moon
I frankly was expecting Dimitri's affection to go down for asking "so, you and Edelgard are siblings-in-law, huh?" if only because "hey so you're technically related to your crush?"
Yeah Azure Moon actually helps you piece some things together about Arundel I think
Sothis: All people are connected to their families. Yes, even I....................whoever they are.
Though they never quite say his whole deal
Dimitri's just excited to gush about Edelgard whatever the opportunity
"Hey, have you heard about Edelgard? No? Let me tell you—"
he will specify later that he's never seen her as a sibling
Pfffft okay that makes sense.
"We're not blood related, which works out well since we're in an anime game." (I'm kidding -- the fact that they met at 8 and barely lived together means it really isn't strange for them to not think of themselves as siblings.)
Yeah as far as Fire Emblem Incest goes Dimitri crushing on Edelgard only counts on a technicality
They heaped all the weird incest into Rhea/Byleth All of it.
Yeah they weren't raised together, they never knew each other as siblings while hanging out with each other, aren't blood related, and don't even see each other as family even after learning "oh hey ig your mom married my dad"
Yeah, I wouldn't count it as incest at all.
For, you know. Obvious reasons as mentioned.
Anyway, I think I'm going to end here for the night, with Dimitri pissing off Ingrid in their B support and him shaking his head at himself.
I did take one screenshot that I didn't share earlier because tabbing out to here might have made me have to reload the video.

Byleth tells their students about the fish that got off their hook.
(I occasionally have to pause if I'm typing a lot in here and stuff is happening in the game that I haven't seen before/isn't battle highlights.)
Wow, the person who did these cutscene movies appears to have just uploaded a video for the Dimitri Romance. It's an hour long.
Flayn: [You remind me of the sea.] Beneath that stillness, there is an unfathomable deepness.
Byleth, thinking: sord
"I am roughly the same age as the other youths here." "How old is that?" "(sweat sweat sweat) Seven...tyyyyyyyyyyyyyeen?
Gilbert: Ah, watch me look at these children playing to show my soft side....
Byleth: So are you planning to talk to your dau --
"Since we don't know what is happening in the village, so we can only stand back and watch." "If it's the population of a village, why don't we evacuate them from this apparently dangerous -- ?" "IT IS A SHAME THAT WE CAN ONLY WAIT AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS"
Flayn, doubling down on being mysteriously immortal: Oh, I mean a very. Very, very, very long ago.
I was expecting her to dodge this.
Flayn's honestly hilarious
(Ignatz are you writing house leader ot3 fanfiction)
He's only writing what everyone else is demanding.
The harmony after the battle of who cares about the deer...a sound footing for a budding poly romance!
Oh yay Hilda recruit now that we're not empire!
Someone please give Ingrid a break from dealing with Sylvain.....
Mercedes is ready to mother the world as she gently chides the soldiers trying to threaten a sword out of someone
Hilda kindly brings Capar to the infirmary.
Me: What's your angle?
The kids in this game are great
Poor Ingrid though, she puts up with so much goddamn bullshit
It's not a good coping mechanism to keep her mind off of Glenn.
who would say no to stopping a massacre of the duscur
why is it an option to say "but you'd miss class so they'll just have to be slaughtered to the last person"
(I know the game reason for it.)
Dedue: I WILL CRUSH YOU now retreat
Lysithea, your insistence of Felix eating cake is kind of terrifying.
Sylvain in Hilda B Support: Hilda, I knew all along that your foot wasn't hurt. You're a terrible liar. I am much better at it.
Sylvain in Hilda C Support: absolutely believed her up until after he'd already agreed to take the books back for her
"Hang on! Did she just trick me into doing something she didn't want to do?" ~ Sylvain, seeing through Hilda's terrible lying
Look Dedue is trying to make it sound convincing so he properly fakes their deaths!
Also Dedue's smile at the end of the paralogue healed my soul.
Anyway, the video keeps freezing every time I pause it and it has taken multiple refreshes to get it to start again sometime, so I'm done for now in the middle of Hilda and Sylvain's "we know the other one is being super dishonest about flirting so let's just talk like regular human beings from now on."
I don't have class today, so while I finally make breakfast (by the time I got the dishes done I had to go), time to reconvene with the lying flirts.
Yeah, not at all surprised that Dimitri is not doing super well seeing the rampaging villagers of Remire Village.
So I think I see where Batty thought that the Flame Emperor showed up at the Tragedy of Duscur. After the village, Dimitri apologizes for losing composure at the village, explaining about how sometimes the darkness just overcomes him. He says about how the people who caused what happened in the village will pay.
He includes the Flame Emperor in this (and, if you tell him that the Flame Emperor denied responsibility, he gets angry that you believed those words) and then he talks about how he saw "those flames" at Duscur.
By which I think he means the flames like in the burning village, because he never mentions the Flame Emperor after that.
But it goes "village on fire > flame emperor > those flames," so the natural assumption could be to relate those flames to flame emperor since it's closer.
Dimitri: At first, I thought you were someone who did not bat an eye at killing your enemies. But now I know you are different. You don't think about anything.
(I'm kidding, of course.)
Dedue in his support with Byleth: I don't know why I'm telling you this.
Me: Because she doesn't say anything so you have to fill in the silence yourself.
Felix: What drove you to be so strong?
Byleth: I'm very boring and I don't do anything else.
(Maybe one day I'll stop making jokes about blank Byleth. Maybe not.)
I admit to some amusement at how the Blions sniped Hilda for the White Heron cup and the Golden Deer had to send Leonie instead.
There are SO many more paralogues in this playthrough. Felix just walked up to ask for something other than a spar. ...of course his reasoning is in part because he wants to watch Byleth fight.
Rodrigue: I'm sorry you had to see that. He's been like that for four years.
Me: You mean...worried about the lives of your subjects??
I did enjoy watching Dimitri walk up to the gossiping soldiers and go "Mind if I join? Please continue."
Hilda is so excited about winning
At least she cares about the possibility of a prize.
WOW DEDUE A LITTLE GAY "I will live only for you."
Poor Bernadetta. Ingrid is not super well suited to working with her.
Dedue is 500% gay for Dimitri
Okay, I was thinking that I'd be suffering through Lorenz and Sylvain's support with how it started, but I do enjoy watching them both fail at flirting.
Felix, if you don't want to dancing with a girl at the ball, why don't you try dancing with a boy?
Lorenz is actually a good boy. He harasses women, yes, but not sexually - hes looking for a future wife and is too intense and it creeps them out
honestly i feel like lorenz and sylvain's bad points are mostly tolerable because the narrative constantly dunks on them for it (and lorenz especially grows the fuck out of it)
It's better, but it's still being a creep.
I'm aware that I may change my mind about both Sylvain and Lorenz as they develop, but right now, I'm just shaking my head at both of them.
It's definitely still being a creep, but he comes to realize it... Eventually
And poor Ingrid. That there aren't any other girls who aren't super into make up in the core Blions. Please give her a fourth girl who doesn't care so that Annie and Mercie could have more than one person to tackle.
OH GEEZ I NEARLY HAD A HEART ATTACK. I haven't changed my microwave clock for DST and thought I was late for a quiz I proctored.
Dimitri: Maybe we should wish to be together forever.
Dimitri: It...was a joke.....
Yeah, poor Ingrid... Blue lions being abbreviated bl is fitting, not only are there more boys than other houses, they can all hook up with at least one of the other boys
Mercedes: I can usually tell when someone is in distress. Half of the students here are constantly setting off my senses.
Also, the one downside of consuming a lot of media with noble characters lately is that I keep seeing the whole "woman can't do what she wants because she's made to marry for her family" thing and it's real uncomfortable since it's not just a fictional thing.
Annette: I started my love of learning because how my dad smiled. Too bad it turns out he was an asshole.
After Annette defeated a demonic beast, Mercedes said "you make me feel safe" and I nearly screamed. Especially after how their B support ended with Mercedes getting angry with Annette putting herself in danger to try to protect her.
Wow, Dimitri...is this what it's like to have a house leader who can express encouragement after a death like a human being? Like I usually avoid talking about my own difficulties at length when comforting someone, but he did a good job of relating it to Byleth's mourning.
It was, like. A reasonable way to talk about moving on instantly.
"What are you doing up at this hour? Ohhh, you're eavesdropping. I approve." I THINK SOTHIS IS MY FAVOURITE CHARACTER IN THIS GAME??? probably because she allows a viewpoint character to express a feel.
like the Flame Emperor was talking about her anger that the tragedy happened and thus that it was done against her wishes, but I don't blame Dimitri for not exactly making note of that at that specific moment.
Anyway, I'm going to wrap up here so that I don't end up late for my proctoring. Ending at 6:24:30 as Felix invites Dimitri to spar with him, which is the closest he gets to asking someone out.
All right, I'm back on my Kingdom government-mandated bullshit, which is to say I've abandoned the idea of napping before my final appointment of the day, so let's get back to triple houses while I get food into me.
Oh my gosh, Dimitri, you sword nerd. (Dimitri and Felix support.)
Ingrid just keeps throwing out letters near the Prof's room, apparently.
Syllllvaaaaiiiinnnnn if you're planning to just have fun, please communicate this.
Sylvain: You should have seen the look on your face, Professor!
Byleth: :|
this is the first time I've seen Sothis in the castle.
RIGHT... it’s kind of hilarious after Hubert and Edelgard’s really awkward attempts to try and re-motivate you
Edelgard and Dimitri post-dad death are a good example of how tone and wording can change everything about a message.
They're showing a few people's comforting responses...and also like all of them also getting recruited immediately after.
Oh yeah, Ingrid and Dorothea have a paralogue together.
I wondered about the threeway conversation.
Dorothea is such a good person to help Ingrid with this since she has such strong feelings.
Where is Ingrid and Dorothea's A Support, game? We were robbed!
Ingrid is the only straight woman in the whole game. That’s the only explanation I can arrive at
The only straight woman in all of Fodlan, even
And all of the femme women are so disappointed.
House Leader every time: Rhea must have believed you wouldn't be able to stop from attacking the enemy if you knew their location. So, you know the location now. (eyebrow waggle)
Dimitri, sounding surprised: They were always expecting us! Exactly like Rhea told us!
.......good golly Lysithea's dark magic looks really dramatic.
Aw man, no more Sothis dialogue.
I wonder if there will be a path where they actually talk about what Those Who Slither In The Dark's bodies are like since they talk about it but I don't think it came up in Crimson Flower, even though Edelgard is the one who has the most dealings with them.
Flayn: The professor is no ordinary human! ...No ordinary fellow human, I mean!
Verdant Wind/GD has the most information on them but it’s still a little vague on what’s actually going on with their bodies
I wonder if the upcoming DLC will do anything or if it will just be kind of vague so they don't have to think of something satisfying.
Ah, it looks like they never explain Zaharas, or it happened, they didn't put it on the wiki.
Sothis: Our two souls shall be as one.
Byleth: almost immediately falls asleep
Flayn is also straight. Like, super straight, doesn't even have a single support with any of the female students
But it's honestly hilarious how straight Ingrid is and how Gaga the other girls go for her
I feel like the story dlc is gonna go into them
The gods granted Ingrid ultimate lesbian power and then made her straight.
Tbf flayn is secretly super thirsty, she might be zeroing in on the guys on purpose... Though I think she's romance thirsty more than anything considering her reaction to Sylvain
Yeah she has a support with her new stepmom I MEAN MANUELA but that’s it
I forgot how Jeralt's diary actually does get read by the church when left in the room like everyone knew.
Flayn: heterosexual thirstromantic.
Flayn knows Sylvain would probably suck in bed. She only goes for the boys who will treat her right, like Dedue and Ferdinand
LMAO I expect she's right.
Or Dimitri, as his support with Flayn comes on.
Flayn: Let me lay on hands.
Yes. And Ignatz will paint her like one of his Alliance girls!
flayn: Yes praise me human
Flayn: I see. I understand your somber attitude.
Flayn's words are good for this, but her tone of voice is...very straightforward and matter-of-fact.
Thanks Seteth, now she has unhealthy expectations on how devoted her husband should be. Good thing there are boys in this game who are obsessive enough to live up to it
I don't like flayns English va tbh
Any criticism I would have of her is overruled by her delivery on I AM APPROXIMATELY THE SAME AGE AS THE OTHER YOUTHS HERE
XDDD okay yeah that one went well, but I also get why you wouldn't like her VA.
Gilbert: Let me give you this doll in these trying times.
Annette: So do you actually want to reconnect?
Gilbert: Want to what?
Felix is improving in how to treat Bernadetta.
Wow, Mercedes, you have had real bad father figures. No wonder you're in Blions.
Most of the Blions: I wonder what's up with Rhea.
Flayn: ...............................................................
If you read up on House Bartels in the monastery library you find out that they had the ever loving shit murdered out of them by their heir apparent, Emile.....
"Life was becoming... difficult for us...." Read: being able to continue having life was becoming...difficult for us.
"So the Flame Emperor is connected to the Empire." I know this is actually a discovery but also it sounds really funny to me.
Ah, and Dimitri says to the Flame Emperor: "And to attain that power, you'll trample anything that stands in your way.Just like you did in Duscur!" No wonder Batty thought there was a Flame Emperor at the tragedy.
Dimitri, attacking the FE: Do not try to say you have forgotten... Do you know just how many people died in Duscur?
Flame Emperor: Why bother with this? Stay silent and fight.
Dimitri: So, you want to turn your eyes away from the lives you have trampled? Dastard!
Wow, Dimitri nearly one-shot her.
And dodged the counterattack.
He was not fooling around.
Ah, Dimitri is having a rough time right now.
Even Edelgard is a little unnerved here.
Rhea is also not having a good time, but not as much as Dimitri.
Ah you’re on Dimitri’s Wild Ride now good
Press f to pay respects to the last tenuous thread holding Dimitri together that's about to snap
He is subdued when not fighting at the moment, but I bet that's about to change.
It sucks that Dimitri doesn’t have a proficiency in brawling given that he can crush people’s skulls with his bare hands
I get that they wanted the lords to have a signature weapon but Dimitri's really should have been Fist.
I'm loving watching Seteth guess at Edelgard's actions after seeing Crimson Flower, like "she demanded the throne from her father" (peaceful, mutually agreed upon transfer of power). "she might even want to set herself up as a god!" (big nope)
All of his conclusions make sense from his point of view, but with more information they sound pretty hilarious.
Rhea: Look, Byleth, I'm really busy right now, so I'm just going to assume you'll eventually become mom and work from there.
"I trust you are aware of the questionable nature of this experiment." PFFFT OH MY GOSH YOUR CAREFUL CHOICE OF WORDS SETETH
It's amazing how sinister progenitor god can sound.
Ingrid and Dimitri's support is interestingly timed here.
HAHA YEAH... on Silver Snow he’s even kind of surprised to see that Edelgard’s troops are pretty loyal instead of aiding her as a result of fear
Seteth has had hundreds of years to buy into the church being his peeps.
"As a knight, I will stand by your side and uphold your soft–hearted ideals." Ingrid you have told him this at the last possible moment.
I MEAN, i’m not so sure. It’s implied that he was in hiding until very recently so he could take care of Flayn
caspar are you one for talking about other people trying to force their ideas on others
Lysithea can only be tamed by sweets.
Lorenz is doing much better in his support with Lysithea, but he's still like "yes, I hear what you say, but let me keep going as though I never heard it."
also the empire ones have some interesting responses to this are particularly interesting.
Dedue: His Highness's hatred is my hatred. And if she has something to do with the tragedy of Duscur...now, if you'll excuse me, I have to teach Flayn how to cook.
Dedue has one particularly

portrait here that iirc never shows up anywhere else. It did me a concern
He's already a bit intimidating.
(I could probably use an Ingrid in my life, even if I'd only react mildly better than Bernadetta.)
He is Best Boy, but then again, so is Dimitri and WELP
Dedue is a gigantic good dog who will absolutely FUCK YOU UP if his owner sics him on you but otherwise will delicately avoid hurting anything
Too bad Dimitri goes off the deep end.
Anyway, I gotta get ready to go, but I wanted to get past Sylvain and Lorenz's support. Next time: the Imperial army is upon us.
"Hmm. I want to think more on my current tags so that I can give back better responses, and I'm not really feeling any of my other pastimes for while I'm eating...." We return to the imperial army being upon us.
"If you can fight, pick up a weapon. Otherwise, hurry up and evacuate. .......Hey, Hilda, Bernadetta. Come back here."
I'm glad everyone is just ignoring Sylvain's comment about how he should have flirted Edelgard into -- oh, hmm. I'm now distracted by Dimitri's Very Bad Day.
I mean. It's true that Edelgard will die by his hand and his alone.
Hubert taunting Ferdinand about people still caring about him in the Empire and what will happen to them is delivered as a threat, but I ended up thinking about all the people who ship them. He certainly didn't mean "people who still care about you -- LIKE ME" but guess what I laughed to myself by considering?
I wondered if we'd learn about the identity of The Immaculate One in this route.
Well, we at least know that Rhea is a dragon.
Are you ready for unwashed feral dimitri
I'm somewhere between "probably not" and "hell yeah."
Lately all of my favourite characters have been leaning towards "wow they sure did some fucked up things but they're trying to be better now" so I guess this is time for the fucked up things part.
I find it actually kind of interesting to watch the interactions between Byleth and Rhea in this moment, given that there's definitely Rhea risking her life to buy time for the people of the monastery, but I don't know how much is caring about the people of Garreg Mach and how much it is "(points to Byleth) that's my mom in there!!"
So I wonder how she felt when Byleth came back to save her and got knocked into an inconvenient hole.
(Well. Not ALL my favourites. I'm playing Leslie and so far my favourite character in FE3H seems to be Sothis. But a lot of my faves are like that.)
I love how Sothis goes straight from being a poetic goddess into "HOW DARE YOU ALL RIGHT NO MORE MISS NICE VOICE IN YOUR HEAD GET UP YOU LOSER"
"imperial soldiers who went to investigate got slaughtered" so this is feralmitri's bachelor pad huh
nipping at her hand like that comic
Like. This is both difficult to watch, and also I'm laughing at how much softer the introduction to the post-war period is in Crimson Flower.
Edelgard: My teacher! I am so very pleased to see you return that it's almost weird to watch me express a feeling!
I'm glad that I know that Dedue didn't just die offscreen.
I wonder how Annette feels about Gilbert's "I can't come back to see your mother even one ti -- THE KINGDOM IS IN TROUBLE? I'M NOT EVEN GOING TO STOP TO PACK!"
"The deaths of the ambushed generals were so gruesome, I immediately thought of Dimitri."
does gilbert really have to be the main speaker now
AM Gilbert: Garreg Mach would be a stupid place for the empire to use.
CF Edelgard, high on teacher admiration: And this will be the base for our elite force.
I am less than interested in Gilbert's support.
If you don't do dedues paralogue, he dies offscreen
Thank goodness we did it.
Or, rather, this player did it.
That would be. Unfortunate.
Also yeah, we have to suffer through Gilbert,,, gross
Speaking to Dimitri and just getting .... yeah that makes sense.
Seteth: For five long years, I searched for you and Lady Rhea.
this probably is the equivalent of "for five long weeks" to a dragon.
Do they show his face during the monastery wandering bc oh my god his face hurts me
Just on the verge of tears
Not anything close enough for me to see it.Just enough that I can see his head is down.
I stopped short of thinking of Felix in charge because I feel like he'd have to be restrained from going "IF YOU DON'T WANT TO COOPERATE DIMITRI I'M KICKING YOU OUT."
Which mightn't be the worst in this current state but also we need to keep an eye on the feral child.
Flayn: NO MATTER THE PATH YOU WALK I WILL FOLLOW YOU PROFESS -- what do you mean crimson flower
honestly Seteth should’ve taken over instead, do we really need Silver Snow
At the very least Seteth should have passive aggressively dragged Gilbert the way he does. Many of his supports
LMAO I'd love that. It might make suffering through Gilbert less painful if he kept getting dragged.

here he is when he's hunkered over like that
I enjoy to see Sylvain and Ingrid's version of the trope of "a man and a woman who are both soldiers, the man tells the woman to stick close to him so that he can protect her" has Ingrid's response as basically "lol, sure, you protect me, good one."
are ashe and annette getting the soldier version of "oh no we're locked in the gym storage room"
"If it was a gift from your father...." "yeah but my dad's an asshole"
Sylvain is such a baby with ingrid
She is basically team mom, in terms of "the disciplinarian parent" team mom.
Ashe and Annette’s support there was more upsetting on Silver Snow where Gilbert almost certainly died offscreen
Like, overhearing Dimitri begging the ghosts to not look at him like that is 99% upsetting, but there's 1% that is making me laugh of "GLENN NO I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH ON EL ANYMORE I SWEAR."
And oh boy, Randolph and Fleche. I know this is going to go SO BADLY.
Like there’s a mood difference between “this is a reminder of when my dad gave a shit” and “MY DAD’S... FUCKIN DEAD.........”
It makes sense, but I'm also not used to the idea of mage Byleth holding a shield.
...........Dimitri is a monster when he crits.
Dimitri perhaps was not suited for combat and dealing with the trauma of killing others.
no, he was not, and yet he's so insanely strong
It's a shame he didn't get, like, a construction job instead.
that's basically what I have him doing around gm
It is much better suited to him.
LMAO it's too bad it didn't start before he got his BLOODSTAINED HANDS I'M A MONSTER
"let us meet up in the valley of torment" that doesn't sound ominous at all.
heeeey your lp is exactly where I am in the game right this second
....actually I might even stop at this point, as I have stuff I need to get done.
But I suspect that I may progress faster than you anyway since I don't have to actually do gameplay.
But for now, our hearts are one.
yeah, I'm doing inventory management right now so there's three hours down the drain
I.... haven't done it yet this playthrough....
I'll do my IRL inventory management and then rejoin the push towards the Valley Of Torment Why Do We Let Them Call It That
My own inventory management methods when I played Fire Emblems was always "throw everything into the convoy and then buy iron weapons/first tier tomes for everyone and buy more of them when those break."
it probably won't take actually three hours, but since I'll get distracted over and over during, that's my estimate for when I actually finish
It's an easy thing to get distracted given how boring it is.
appears to say Gilbert is the worst.
I ended up stopping myself from saying GILBERT...JUST STOP TALKING.... because I was already ragging on him a lot.
I like dunking on him. (shocking nobody)
I get the impression it’s the national sport of Azure Moon.
It's the national sport of anyone playing Three Houses, if I'm honest
I don't hate him as much as most, but he deserves every dunk he gets
Yeah I don’t hate him either but it’s fun to dunk on him
Ah yes, I forgot it can be basketgilbert in all routes since the Crimson Flower LP I watched didn’t recruit him, so by dunking on him that playthrough meant “absolutely slaughter him in battle.”
He’s only recruitable on Blue Lions
A reason to swear my loyalty to the emperor.
Risky strat: watching Azure Moon while doing dishes, when I've been commenting at about the rate things happen.
We return to Flayn and Byleth's "Hello fellow human I enjoy walking on two spindly legs just like you do and never miss being able to fly."
Byleth is given one singular way to respond to Flayn that is mildly "I'm done with your bs."
"I don't understand why anyone would want to risk their life for someone else." And Claude believed you, Hilda.
"As soon as I mention that specific guy, this happens" Caspar you should be extra used to dramatic timing as a shounen protag.
"Go away" what a friendly house leader
Mercedes: The important thing is to find the archbishop. That's why I recommend we crush the empire beneath our heel first in a lightning strike upon the capital to remove the head of the heretic.
(okay not what she said but it's what I thought when I heard her actual lines)
"If we can just get the empire out of the way" yes right just that
It's interesting to watch opinions be divided.
I heard Gilbert asking "do you have a moment, Professor?" and even though I have never played the Professor in my life, I immediately and automatically said "No."
Gilbert, sounding like it's the end of the world: Annette...is my daughter.....
Wow, Annette just knocked her uncle TF out.
"I will keep your wife safe. After the war, you better come visit her, Gustave."
"OH FUCK I mean I guess."
Gilbert: I haven't earned the right to see my wife. I still need to atone for my sins.
Byleth: Like the sin of abandoning your family completely?
Gilbert: coughing fit
Lysithea continues to spread the gospel of cake to Felix.
Ferdinand sneaking into Ferdiad probably would have sounded less extreme before the war.
I love characters imitating each others' voices.
"At the moment I'm not looking for...." Flayn don't lie you're absolutely looking for romance.
The most enthusiastic I have ever heard Flayn's EN voice actor is when Ignatz said that he'd heard her Saint identity was beautiful and kind.
Annette: Could you have, like, said something before abandoning us for no reason?
Gilbert: Will you stop asking about it if I pretended to make contact with you and never sent them?
Annette: Was the postal service broken?
*if I show you that I pretended
Come now, Dimitri, Edelgard uses axes, not magic. No reason to call her a witch.
Of COURSE Gilbert approves of a knight who decided to fight hoping to die because he doesn't want to be going against the kingdom but killing people in his way if they don't kill him and letting his people die under him because he refuses to not stick to the letter of the honour law.
Rodrigue: I would have been lost without you, Dimitri. I would kill all who stand in your way. ............Oh, hi Felix. Dimitri, it is my honour to meet you again.
Rodrigue: Who are more important? The dead or the living?
Dimitri, immediately: The dead.
I was half expecting us to ignore that Claude is against the empire.
They didn't pick it, but I think "I don't feel anything" is the most Byleth dialogue option ever. (I'm kidding.)
"Of course, if she desires it, I will gladly return. However..." SHUT THE HELL UP GILBIE
Sylvain: I have to accept the women who want me just to become nobility with a smile and a wink because I bear a crest.
Me: Have...have you never met Felix
"If you stand in my way, I will cut you down" More inspiring words from our king.
Hilda's trust in Claude even when not in the Golden Deer anymore makes me smile.
Is there anything better than Annette and Mercedes supports?
"I'm so happy to have you bake...I mean, back!" I'm laughing so much.
Did...did Hilda just give Caspar a booty call?
I thought it was going to be the usual "character makes suggestive comment, other character gets flustered, learns that it was something innocent" but it was kind of the opposite.
Feral Dimitri simultaneously hurts me and makes me laugh.
She super did. Hilda fucks
After all, it's not guilt that gets people to do things for them.
"wait when did Dedue get here" oh just now
"As they say, if you can't beat them, join them. ...I'm not in for a beating, am I?" I will give him this, he's got good comedic delivery.
Ingrid does 138 damage to him in one strike...in for a beating.
........Oh, they didn't recruit Lorenz despite doing a bunch of Lorenz supports.
Ah, Acheron. Aka Doug Erholtz just playing Kayneth again.
Also LMAO Lysithea, one of Lorenz's supports was with Lysithea trying to recruit her as a fellow noble, and now Lysithea knocked him down and recruited HIM.
This romantic music at Dimitri and Dedue's reuniting...or maybe I'm just reading into the music choice because of the scene.
Lorenz ends up temporarily a recruitable enemy for plot reasons on this and Church Route. Ashe does the same on GD and Church.
I've heard there are a few characters who can be recruited mid-war phase at a lesser strength(?).
LMAO Lorenz's next support with Byleth came immediately after the bridge, which means that in a day or two he already has gotten more complaints from women.
Lysithea: Thank goodness Dimitri isn't leading the army right now.
"Which monster, Maiden?" "Ummmmmmm a very high ranking person in the army." "The imperial army?" "Something like that.
All right, I gotta eat. Back again later at 10:58's leadup to Grondr Field where nothing bad will happen at all.
da da da daaa da daa da daaaaaa time to go to Grondr Field where I know nothing bad will ever happen and we'll just have a nice callback to the academy days!!
And Maiden will probably avenge her brother by killing whoever the monster she's talking about and this will not be hard on anyone.
Ah, Dedue and Ashe... "Careful. You'll oversalt it....."
Oh my gosh, Ignatz...what a lovely picture of Ingrid. Though I'm laughing a little of "you remind me of Saint Seiros" rhea sneezed
I can see what you're doing, Lorenz, but can you listen to Lysithea for once.
Also "What would happen if all of the noble houses withered and died?" THINGS WOULD BE BETTER /WAVES BLACK EAGLES FLAG
This paralogue of Caspar and Mercedes set in Garreg Mach is oddly positioned when we've just taken the bridge.
Also I've been mispronouncing Mercedes this whole time, it seems.
I was going Mur-Say-Dees when it seems to be Mur-Ce-Des or something of the like.
Also for a moment I thought that Caspar was a mage.
"you two look nothing alike" Caspar the Death Knight is in full armour
"I can't. My soul has long since departed." DEATH KNIGHT YOU ARE THE BIGGEST EDGELORD.
Also listening to Mercedes call Caspar "pal" has healed my soul.
Look he hasn’t had his ice cream today he’s allowed to be edgy
Oh, no ice cream? Okay, the murderboner makes sense.
Also I think Ashe is pretty clearly already a better knight than your dad, Annette.
Rodrigue, could you have picked someone more interesting than Gilstave. Gubert.
This is a neat conversation about your tragedy of Duscur conspiracy theory otherwise.
I did wonder how they were going to stop Claude from joining on the Azure Moon route. RIP to the knights, but AM will not be different from the other maximum one lord runs.
they answer is they contrived some bullshit, by all rights they should have joined up
especially after derdriu later
“The Battle at Grondr, because fuck having the deer in the name and fuck anyone who wanted to be able to talk about the Battle of the Eagle and Lion casually by where it took place.
Yeah, like. I can see why they might have trouble figuring out how to convey a message to the Alliance when they find one of their messengers dead, but also they have no idea why the knight's dead.
Also my gosh, I really like how they did the callback to the academy battle cutscene by shooting it almost exactly, but now all of them are much more worn than they were in different ways.
.....though I immediately was wondering, like. If mages can do this kind of opening volley, why is Edelgard the only one doing it and why don't the other two have some idea of how to approach a battle based on the idea this can happen? Or, if it's not, why is no one seeming surprised?
It’s a gambit you can do technically
I'm not a war tactics nerd by any degree, but I'd think it'd basically turn into mages being used like more mobile artillery like kept getting described to me in the seasons I listened to in the Revolution Podcast -- oh, I see.
I'm just surprised not everyone opens with it, but I don't really understand exactly how gambits work.
"I will create such chaotic warfare that they won't be able to tell who is friend and who is foe" for Dimitri all this means is including any friends in front of him.
the empire is supposed to have the most mages and they also have twsitd but really
Oh, true, they are the mage capital.
they fucked up the gronder field battle, it's not believable in AM and it just feels frustrating
God I need to catch up on revolutions podcast it’s apparently getting into Russia and that’s my shit
at least if you're VW Dimitri is still absolutely fucking batshit with no one to moderate him, and if you're CF then it's not weird for the Alliance to be like "lol ur assholes"
but in AM it just makes me tear my hair out
Yeah, like. I think they had a neat idea about Grondr Field and then got too married to it before they realized that it didn't work in this route.
they could have fixed it, there's clearly magic capable of making people look like other people
throw the illusion on some units and watch the chaos happen
But like. They didn't bother to try to set up a Grondr Field in CF since they had Dimitri just hole up in his capital forever, so it's not like they couldn't change things.
And gosh, yeah, the ones who have the most to gain by sowing chaos are the Empire, who are working with the disguise magic specialists.
that's the worst part, it would be easy to make it believable and it would also feel more real for the player if they attacked an empire unit and SURPRISE it was actually the kingdom/alliance! or something
They could even have just framed the Alliance more cleanly with some people going undercover as the Alliance, and vice versa for the Alliance by acting like the Kingdom, and made it actually CONVINCING why they are uncertain whether they can trust each other.
I have thought about this a lot and I'm full of salt
"It looks like the Alliance isn't coming" goes the characters in the cutscene in advance.
Yeah, I imagine, as a Dimitri player.
Also re: Revolutions: I only got so far as the start of the French Revolution. I'm so behind.
Ah, Hilda vs the alliance soldiers, huh
I feel like Gronder was supposed to be Fog of War and then they realized that would fucking suck to play
But they didn’t rewrite for it
Hahahaha, I mean, they made us do it anyway in earlier Fire Emblems.
..............so I usually watch on 1.5x speed, but I went to normal speed for the cutscene and now I'm like. Ignatz has your voice always been this deep since you hit your growth spurt.
Ah, hello the ballistae being set on fire.
garregmach Bernadetta says high
Dimitri does 130 damage to Edelgard. I'm sure he must find that satisfying.
Oh boy, post-Grondr Field, I'm sure everything will be fine and no one will regret letting Maiden come along.
I feel I know Rodrigue's voice actor suddenly.
I mean. I probably do. There are only so many dubbers.
Okay, so. I know that assets aren't free, but I feel like this moment of Rodrigue dying could have used either a cutscene or maybe a couple of more screens. Because Dimitri shouting Rodrigue's name loudly doesn't match his expression in the picture, and also the initial part using in-game graphics looked a bit...awkward.
the most powerful unit in fire emblem would be The Therapist
"Live for what you believe in." "I believe in cutting Edelgard's head off." "Okay back up a moment."
I mean Blue Lions already had more animated cutscenes than Crimson Flower
Yeah, it's not a particularly strong criticism. I probably only had the space to think about such things because I already knew this would happen, so I wasn't going in surprised, but nor was I aware enough of the exact circumstances to know what to picture.
Also, like. I don't have much commentary on this other than a variety of ways to say "poor Dimitri."
It doesn’t help that the CGs generally aren’t the greatest quality art wise.... some of them are Good but.
"Your hand is so warm. Has it always been?" that line was delivered well from my perspective.
And I'm lucky in that I have no eye for art, so I can look past wonky art, haha.
Like that one. That’s a good CG.
That’s the moment where I was like “oh fuck I can’t not marry him”
I was watching most of this in 1.5x, but for thes scene of Dimitri starting to return to the idealistic one, but once Gilstave started talking again at length, I went back to 1.5x
"I have seen you put yourself in harms way to protect others" "Don't worry, I'm terribly overpowered as a unit."
Also wow, Dedue follows the "the moon is beautiful tonight" school of romantic sayings. "It would not do to leave me as the flowers' only caretaker."
"Oh, I could ask Bernadetta to --" "NO THAT ISN'T WHAT I MEANT"
I can't believe that, when Byleth suggests taking a nap, she appears to just fall asleep standing up.
All right. I wanna get some tags done before bed, so I'm going to pause here as we begin preparations to march on Ferdiad. Just a little under 3 hours remain! Or about 2 hours if I keep going at 1.5x speed.
Thanks for joining me and commenting on it, everyone!
Dedue’s a rank was also very OH I CAN’T NOT FUCK HIM
"why did my father only give me one ring" except if you marry either Dimitri or Dedue, the other one comes as a matched set, really. Particularly if you marry Dimitri.
Yeah exactly that’s why I went for Dimitri