MekaAeon asks
5 years ago
With BOM out, should I continue making applier huds? Or just go straight for using Tattoo textures? I'm updating all my stuff today, and while the old stuff is going to keep the applier huds, going forward I'm not sure I want the hassle of making them.
latest #13
Allegory says
5 years ago
for a while, until BoM sees true universal adoption, it's probably a decent idea to keep making appliers (ugh). eventually cutting them out shouldn't make that big a deal! but there are people dragging their feet on adoption- and the whole skins not existing in system layers because people stopped making them is part of that. if you can't find a skin you
Allegory says
5 years ago
want to wear in BoM, you can't use BoM. skin makers are starting to update, but it'll probably take 6 months before people really settle into it well.
5 years ago
Allegory: Thanks for the insight! Also, Ugh is totally how I feel about appliers too!
Izzie Bizzie
5 years ago
skin creators are busy working on BOM updates and creating new skins for BOM, however it will take a while and many people can't separate from their applier skins (yet). so yeah, I would keep doing appliers (but adding system layers too, it will save you the time later on) until everything has settled
Izzie Bizzie
5 years ago
i hate doing appliers so this all can't happen fast enough lol
Allegory says
5 years ago
MekaAeon: IzzieButton: yeeeeah, they are SUCH a pain in the ass, i hate them >.< my unspoken there was do your tattoo layers for those who ARE switching over, just that we can't say NO MORE APPLIERS EVER NOPE just yet!
5 years ago
Appliers are great for applications where you want to use materials, which iirc BoM has no solution for yet
5 years ago
IzzieButton: Allegory: One day we will be applier free! And just a question as far as making them. Should I bother with the universal layer that's out? Or will the tattoo/clothes layers suffice? I was confused on if the stockings I've made should just go on the standard sock layer or universal since you can texture arms/legs separately now.
5 years ago
Plan to play with it tomorrow, but figured you both would have the best insight for its use.
5 years ago
Dysfunctionality: I personally don't use materials much, due to my older rig. I'll keep that in mind though, thanks so much for the info!
Allegory says
5 years ago
the idea was to texture arms/legs separately. the implementation on that is....nonexistent at this point. make left arm/leg layers if you want, but they don't work with any body at this point (because they don't work very well...they were implemented really poorly at this point)
Allegory says
5 years ago
so until everyone has figured out how to deal with what we have been given...who knows. right now tattoo/clothing layers are the only things we're using.
yeah i have not yet used BOM because 1) my skin isn't BOM compatible and 2) my body isn't either
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