[RP] Does anyone wanna PSL with Saft...? I'm getting major RP needs atm and well...yeah
latest #11
I'd like to! But at the moment, I'm doing homework, so you'd have to wait for tags
That’s okay, we still have that thread going which barely begun in the Saftbox so we could continue that or something with Scrooge? IDK
Which thread in the Saftbox? Dammit, I'm sorry I lost the tag
And something with Scrooge would be fun
Or I rather like the idea of Scrooge and Saft adventuring together only because I keep finding simularities between her and Della so that kind of thing could be neat to do
Thank you! I will hit that up ASAP
Also, Saft, please don't give Scrooge the same heart attacks Della gives him
Gladinus : Good luck, she’s been doing that to me regularly
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