5 years ago
If you're a traditional artist, how do you get over the fear of "I don't wanna paint/draw on this lovely thing because if I ruin it then heck"
latest #11
5 years ago
I struggle with this so much
potato boyo
5 years ago
I had a friend i met through deviant art, so talented and creative, and she was going through this
potato boyo
5 years ago
I told her: don't think of yourself as an artist. instead, you are an office supply vandal
potato boyo
5 years ago
I get this all the time and I just have to remind myself that there is effectively an endless supply of paper, canvases can be repainted over and over.
5 years ago
easy: I paid for a useable item not a fancy desk ornament. this is why I buy cheap or practical sketchbooks. honestly it just goes to waste and is a mindset you gotta break over time. I have no problems now because I've tired so many student and artist grade supplies, everything is sorta the same and one might feel slightly nicer but rarely does it really
5 years ago
make much of a difference unless it's watercolor paper - that is one supply that quality and style of paper counts , and gouache paints. all other supplies it's not a huge deal of it's expensive or cheap
5 years ago
also I have about 3 "trash" sketchbooks that aren't filled with pretty drawings. many have random doodles and writing in them, ones that are super cheap, that I fill when I just wanna play with a pencil. it sorta helps you warm up for when you wanna sketch more serious
5 years ago
and also... you won't ruin it, it's legit job is to be USED. it won't be offended if you don't put a perfect drawing in it... it will be offended if you keep it blank
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