Dlee25031 writes
5 years ago
It seeks to shed further light on the gravity of the methods of torture as well as the different illegal practices that take place in Syrian prisons, in order to raise awareness about the emergency of making those crimes stop and the threat they pose to international security.
latest #12
掰噗~ says
5 years ago
嗯汪、多跟機器狼說點故事吧 (๑•̀ω•́)ノ
Dlee25031 says
5 years ago
KMN_BOT: 我不能在这里告诉你很多,你真的按照别人的方式行事。
Fortune0: 機器狼知道了汪 (´・ω・`)
Dlee25031 says
5 years ago
KMN_BOT: 哦真的很喜欢
Fortune0: 果然是真的呢汪
Dlee25031 says
5 years ago
KMN_BOT: 很高兴见到你我的朋友,看到我真的不知道你是谁,工作和家人怎么样?
Fortune0: 就是說啊汪 (・∀・)
Fortune0: 工作終於... 暫告一段落了... Zz(´-ω-`*)(趴在辦公桌上)
Dlee25031 says
5 years ago
tnt37: 你不想跟我说话,你为什么要告诉我晚安?
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