4 years ago
Jesse here, off hiatus! Let me know if there is anything on the team community that needs to be updated or other business to be taken care of. That said, my RL is still very busy and is going to remain so for the rest of summer and into Fall, so I won't be able to devote as much energy to the IC running of the team as before.
latest #15
4 years ago
That means no missions or mingle logs from my end for the foreseeable future! You've all been doing great stuff keeping the team vibrant and active while I've been gone, especially with the upcoming raid mission, and I'd love it if we could keep that momentum going for Aegis Force.
Knucolas Cage
4 years ago
There are a couple of rando things that Darin wants to talk to Jacob about that we can handwave/discuss here. Most important is wondering if establishing a five person Aegis Reserves roster is something he’d be interest in doing
4 years ago
What would the reserves be like?
Knucolas Cage
4 years ago
Darin was thinking of treating it like how reserves are done in the US military. Five people brought on and given a leader out of the current team. Leader teaches them the ropes and once a month they go on active duty/patrol with the leader so they're always supervised
Knucolas Cage
4 years ago
and in the case of mass port outs/canon updates, they can be integrated into the roster temporarily or take a full time spot if the player wants if a previous member drops
4 years ago
I think that's a great idea! Especially considering how many port-outs there have been
4 years ago
Would you be up for running it OOCly? Work and volunteering are going to get crazy for me in September, so I'm wary of commitments.
Knucolas Cage
4 years ago
I don't mind at all. Actually, thanks to his canon update, Darin would actually volunteer to be point person on this and take command of the reserves if Jacob would let him
4 years ago
He's not terrified of responsibility anymore? What happened back home?
4 years ago
But yes that's fantastic news!
Knucolas Cage
4 years ago
oh man wait till Jacob finds out that he's actually got a party back home
Knucolas Cage
4 years ago
and that he's an ambassador
Knucolas Cage
4 years ago
4 years ago
Oh my god
Knucolas Cage
4 years ago
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