5 years ago
Hello friends! If you like board games I have a favor to ask Please follow Mandatory Quest on Twitch. He's very new and is giving away a free key for the new Gloomhaven PC game as a thank you for following him Twitch
latest #14
5 years ago
Lately he's been playing lot of Gloomhaven on PC but he plans to stream actual physical board games in the future
5 years ago
Oh also he's live right now so if you wanna watch that's cool too ok bye
Sometimes Bacon
5 years ago
its not a game i'd play, but i'll give him a follow and help him get to affiliate
5 years ago
Baconpants: bless u baecon
5 years ago
Followed! He's got a great voice for streaming.
5 years ago
CantarellaMiyani: Right??
5 years ago
Oh by the way I know this kind of game isn't everyone's style so if you do happen to win the key you can always gift it to someone else. No pressure. He only needs 3 more follows for Affiliate
Sometimes Bacon
5 years ago
that's what i figured, i'm planning on doing a giveaway stream with all the extra keys i've collected over the years so it can go in the pot
5 years ago
Baconpants: Oh my god how many keys do you have in the pot
Sometimes Bacon
5 years ago
more than i'll give away im sure lol
5 years ago
I follow you fren! I'd like to get in on the pot
5 years ago
done ♥
Sometimes Bacon
5 years ago
i saw that! i think i'll do something for my bday in 2 months
Sometimes Bacon
5 years ago
thank you!
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