5 years ago
My boyfriend always yells at me for drinking coffee too late ("You go to bed in four hours, woman! Why are you drinking coffee??") but has yet to say anything about me drinking tea and I'm 99% certain it's because he's not aware that my tea has as much caffeine in it as coffee
latest #9
5 years ago
5 years ago
Dude a woman I work with "stopped drinking caffeine" last month, but she literally just switched from coffee to tea.
5 years ago
And I checked, it ain't decaf.
5 years ago
IDK why people don't realize that black or green tea can have as much caffeine in it as coffee. Like, since it's leaf water instead of bean water it has less caffeine????? Because it doesn't shred your stomach with acidity it has less caffeine???????????
5 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/1k9sA8mJDwbAIoWz7thMgy.jpg if u drink a lot of tea it can, but coffee does have more caffeine per cup
5 years ago
I switched to tea briefly during sophomore year of university, drinking the same amount as I did coffee, and there definitely was less caffeine in the tea compared to coffee
5 years ago
When I went back to coffee, I got the caffeine jitters XD
Hannah (CA)
5 years ago
wow coke has more than I thought...
Hannah (CA)
5 years ago
no wonder kids drinking soda get hyped
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