My child acquired additional facehole, I am Cool Mom.
latest #12
Shiloh x Debbi
5 years ago
She’s adorable, just like her mom!
Honey Bunny
5 years ago
she looks just like you
5 years ago
gemma // kate
5 years ago
you're not like a regular mom, you're a cool mom
does the little bop
❅Tina/Dreama ❅ says
5 years ago
she looks fantastic! Not everyone looks good with one, she totally does!
♫ birdy
5 years ago
You two look sooo much alike!
Shiloh x Debbi
5 years ago
scrappylittlenobody: I just watched that the other night because I needed to laugh. :-D
gemma // kate
5 years ago
shilohselene: tina fey is my spirit animal
Shiloh x Debbi
5 years ago
Um I just got this today lol
shilohselene: clearly you need to clone it (so you still have one) and send a copy to me!
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