I'm at an event on some Gorean sim, it's just a normal shopping event, there's a texture store I like who's in it, but omg everything else here is PURE 2010. It's a massive reminder of what "the rest of SL" looks like. All the poorly textured Meli Imako FP mesh, and badly BADLY done ads with horrifyingly proportioned avatars shudders
latest #25
Cap'n Reese
5 years ago
SL is like a time capsule
The only other store I'd heard of except the one I went there for was that Alli and Alli hair store that looks like 2007. Even though they have mesh now??
Gogo ♔
5 years ago
But they think they look great and so do the customers lol. Protected in a time warp bubble
5 years ago
^^ this... ugh the amount of people on FLF chat who still talk about how they haven't moved to mesh bodies cause their system body is "just as good" makes me die inside
omg one of the ads at this thing was even wearing a system body and I died inside. A LOT.
5 years ago
i really want to see this event lol
I remember the objection to mesh bodies used to be "because my body's shape is SO UNIQUE"
nimil: Hold I'll find you a slurl
5 years ago
I don't understand how they look at people in mesh bodies and then look at their boxy mess of a system av and think that's just as good lol
5 years ago
like I understand if cost is prohibitive but the ones that could upgrade and don't always just blow my mind
Cap'n Reese
5 years ago
The bodies are waaaay more customizable now, too. Even the heads are since bento.
Here: Esalinus Trend Event! Enjoy!
Honey Bunny
5 years ago
Gor tho
junkygirl: THAT in particular is one of the things that triggered me most
nimil: We have someone like that in the theatre. She always was like "My body looks just as great" and "I will never wear a body and a mesh head"... for one play we put her into a body and a mesh head because we have standards... and now she doesn't take them off any more because they look better (LOL)
Honey Bunny
5 years ago
so I took my mesh body off the other day and couldn't believe how ridiculous putrids system body looked
5 years ago
i have an SL sister that is always several years behind everyone and she used to talk about how mesh bodies were horrible and she would never wear one, then belleza venus came out and i was like try it!! cause she is one of those ladies that always wants titties on max... so then she gave him and loves the body, had to wait for bento to get her into a head
5 years ago
junkygirl: yaasss though she needs a new name cause she stopped wearing ramen noodle hair thankfully lol
5 years ago
i could take that lady into a store and she'd pick out the oldest ugliest thing in there and love it and buy it and wear it forever...
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